Morning Prayer
Thu, 13 Feb, 2025, 9:15am @ Harvest House, The Common, Mulbarton, NR14 8JS
2 days to go
Join us at Harvest House every Thursday from 9:15am-10:00am for Morning Prayer. All welcome. We use very simple form of words to give us a bit of structure, chat about a Bible reading, and offer simple prayers for things of concern. We also enjoy freshly brewed delicious coffee (other hot drinks are also available!)
Contact Adrian for more details - 01508 571167
Bring and Share Brunch and Prayer
Sat, 15 Feb, 2025, 10am @ Harvest House
4 days to go
Another chance to gather and pray together for the things coming up, the people on our hearts, and our life, work and witness as the Parish Church here in our group of villages.
Please let Sarah know if you can come. Tel: 01508 571167
And if you can bring something brunchy to share (croissants, fruit, pot of jam, crumpets etc) please let her know too so she can fill any gaps
Contact Sarah for more details - 01508 571167
Monday Community Hub
Mon, 17 Feb, 2025, 10am @ Mulbarton Village Hall
6 days to go
Meet to socialise and enjoy refreshments every Monday from 10.00am to 2.00pm at Mulbarton Village Hall. Childrens toys also available. Access is free, donations always welcome.
The Monday Community Hub - an initiative of Mulbarton Village Hall - will continue to run every Monday except on Bank Holidays.
Contact Adrian for more details - 01508 571167
Morning Prayer
Thu, 20 Feb, 2025, 9:15am @ Harvest House, The Common, Mulbarton, NR14 8JS
1 week to go
Join us at Harvest House every Thursday from 9:15am-10:00am for Morning Prayer. All welcome. We use very simple form of words to give us a bit of structure, chat about a Bible reading, and offer simple prayers for things of concern. We also enjoy freshly brewed delicious coffee (other hot drinks are also available!)
Contact Adrian for more details - 01508 571167
Monday Community Hub
Mon, 24 Feb, 2025, 10am @ Mulbarton Village Hall
2 weeks to go
Meet to socialise and enjoy refreshments every Monday from 10.00am to 2.00pm at Mulbarton Village Hall. Childrens toys also available. Access is free, donations always welcome.
The Monday Community Hub - an initiative of Mulbarton Village Hall - will continue to run every Monday except on Bank Holidays.
Contact Adrian for more details - 01508 571167
Morning Prayer
Thu, 27 Feb, 2025, 9:15am @ Harvest House, The Common, Mulbarton, NR14 8JS
2 weeks to go
Join us at Harvest House every Thursday from 9:15am-10:00am for Morning Prayer. All welcome. We use very simple form of words to give us a bit of structure, chat about a Bible reading, and offer simple prayers for things of concern. We also enjoy freshly brewed delicious coffee (other hot drinks are also available!)
Contact Adrian for more details - 01508 571167
Monday Community Hub
Mon, 3 Mar, 2025, 10am @ Mulbarton Village Hall
3 weeks to go
Meet to socialise and enjoy refreshments every Monday from 10.00am to 2.00pm at Mulbarton Village Hall. Childrens toys also available. Access is free, donations always welcome.
The Monday Community Hub - an initiative of Mulbarton Village Hall - will continue to run every Monday except on Bank Holidays.
Contact Adrian for more details - 01508 571167
Morning Prayer
Thu, 6 Mar, 2025, 9:15am @ Harvest House, The Common, Mulbarton, NR14 8JS
3 weeks to go
Join us at Harvest House every Thursday from 9:15am-10:00am for Morning Prayer. All welcome. We use very simple form of words to give us a bit of structure, chat about a Bible reading, and offer simple prayers for things of concern. We also enjoy freshly brewed delicious coffee (other hot drinks are also available!)
Contact Adrian for more details - 01508 571167
Tea & Toasted Teacakes / Coffee & Crumpets
Sun, 9 Mar, 2025, 1:30pm @ Hethel Church
4 weeks to go
As the last couple of years, we're opening the kitchen for Tea and Toasted Teacakes (dripping with butter) or Coffee and Crumpets (dripping with jam or golden syrup)
on second Sunday afternoons: 12 Jan, 9 Feb, 9 March, 13 April; 1.30-4.30pm.
A warm inviting destination for your Sunday afternoon walk?
We look forward to welcoming you!
Contact Peter for more details - 01508 570557