Book A Baptism (Christening) in Your Local Church

Baptism (or Christening) is the age-old way to commit oneself to following in the footsteps of Jesus - we love to welcome those seeking this ancient rite.
There are few things more exciting than being a Christian and growing up walking with God at our side and that of our children.
We offer two types of baptisms, one for those who are old enough to make their own promises of following Jesus and secondly one for the very young, who have parents and godparents making such promises on their behalf.
Those old enough to make their own promises.
A suitable course to help candidates understand the basics of the Christian faith is offered.
If you are interested in exploring this possibility and what the Christian faith means, contact the Rector.
Those who are not old enough to make their own promises.
The church asks enquiring parents to follow a two step approach:
- Firstly, to have a Service of Thanksgiving with dedication for your child. This can easily be incorporated at most of our 10am Sunday services. This Service of Thanksgiving with dedication makes few demands on parents and the godparents.
- Secondly, should you feel you want your child to be baptised we ask you to attend the Sunday morning services on a regular basis for a couple of months and then to have some preparation in order to help you understand the promises and declarations you are asked to make publicly. This service also happens at a morning service.
Fees for the Thanksgiving and Baptism services.
There aren't any - you will be glad to hear!
What do the symbols of baptism mean?
- Water is poured on the child's head; older children and adults may be fully immersed in water - perhaps in a purpose-built "baptistery" or in the sea.
Why is this done?
- It speaks of our dying with Jesus (thus going under the water) and our rising with Him (yes, coming up out of the water!).
- Baptism speaks of being washed and cleansed by God.
- A candle is given as a sign that Jesus "the Light of the World" longs to come live within the Christian.
- Making the sign of the cross on the candidate's head. It was on this symbol of torture Jesus died to bear all our guilt and shame.
So you'll see there is a lot to being baptised and it is a significant step for us to take.
Myths concerning christening or baptism
- "You can't be married or buried in a church unless you are baptised." This is totally incorrect. You may!
- "If my child dies, he will not go to heaven" Christian teaching has always stressed that all infants do go to heaven, regardless of whether they have been christened or not.
- "Christening makes my child a Christian" This is not correct. Baptism is a first step in the right direction, but as your child grows, he needs to learn about God through Sunday School and through your reading the Bible (using a good children's edition) at home.
A Christian is one who trusts in and follows Jesus.