St Mary Magdalen
A welcoming parish church at the heart of the community
Our Desires
- To have a deep hunger for the Lord, a passion to walk daily in fellowship with and love of God, to know his constant forgiveness and healing, his power, his holiness and so much more of God's character and then to respond to him with whole-hearted worship, service and obedience.
- To serve our fellow church members in practical ways and to encourage them in their Christian walk.
- To be a secure place for people to rest in God's love, to grow in Christian maturity and in the gifts and fruit of the Spirit.
- To reach into the community with the Gospel of Christ and in acts of service with the hope that they will be drawn into a living relationship with the risen Jesus, for his is the only name by which our neighbours, colleagues and friends may find peace with God.
- To be a place for renewal and revival in this parish and the locality.
Our Commitment
- To be fully obedient disciples of Christ.
- To hold fully to the authority of the Bible and to embrace the presence and work of the Holy Spirit. We seek to be a church motivated by both the Word of God and the prompting of God's Spirit.
- To take seriously our citizenship of this world (Romans chapter 13), and encourage fair trade and justice as encouraged by the Old Testament prophets (e.g. Micah 6 v.8).
We Seek...
- ...The leading and anointing of the Holy Spirit in all we undertake for him. To this end we long to become a prophetic church which is ever listening to the voice of God through Scripture, prayer and worship.
Charity Number: 1156897
2 days to go
Coming Up Next...
Flordon Film Club
Wed, 9 Oct, 2024, 7pm @ St Michael's Community Centre, Flordon
Flordon Film Club will be screening TEACHER's LOUNGE in St. Michael's Community Centre Wednesday 10th October. The doors open at 7.00pm and the film starts at 7.45.
Carla Nowak (Leonie Benesch) is a new arrival on the staff of a middle school in Germany, her commitment and optimism still unblunted. When the suspicion for a spate of thefts falls on a particular boy, based on little more than his skin colour, she acts to exonerate him, capturing, through dubious means, evidence that seems to implicate a fellow member of staff. But the accused teacher, single mother of Oskar (Leo Stettnisch), another child in Carla’s class, doggedly protests her innocence.
“A gripping poignant drama fronted by a staggeringly good performance from Benesch.” The Upcoming
“A fine exercise in restrained but mounting tension.” Variety
“Benesch is superb.” The Guardian
Watch the trailer at
Tickets are £5 each at the door. Annual membership is now also due at £10. To book or for more information about the club please contact David Harrison on 470118 or
The next meeting after this will be on Wednesday 11 December. The film has yet to be chosen.
Contact David for more details - 01508 470118
Coming Up Soon...
Tear Fund Big Quiz Night (5 days to go)
Benefice Vision Meeting (1 week to go)
Bring and Share Brunch and Prayer (3 weeks to go)
Coffee Morning at The Rectory (1 month to go)
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Latest News/Feature...
Vergers & ER Officer
Posted: Thu, 3 Oct, 2024 (4 days ago) by Adrian
We are looking for someone to join our small team of Vergers to help
prepare the church building for weddings and funerals and in particular to
provide a warm welcome to all those attending these services.
Sarah and Tim currently do most of the verging. Please do chat with one of them if you might like to join the team.
We need someone to keep our Electoral Roll up to date. The Roll needs
completely renewing next year, so we must appoint by February 2025, to
allow time to do the renewal before the Annual Meetings.
Thanks to Teresa Burrell who has maintained the roll so capably for several years now. Please do chat with Teresa if you might be interested in taking on this valuable roll.
More Recent News & Features
Sun 6 Oct 2024 - All Age Youth Led Service (1 week ago)
Sunday 29 Sep 2024 (1 week ago)
Sunday 15 Sep 2024 (3 weeks ago)
Sunday 8 Sep 2024 (4 weeks ago)
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The Church is situated close the B1113, next to the ancient duck pond at the north east end of the Common.
Click on the link to find a map of the area on Google maps. (Please note that we have no control over the content of external websites).
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