
Creating Community: connecting online and more

Flordon Community Facebook Group

The Community Group was established during covid lockdown times and now has over 130 members.  You can check it out here:

The group's founder, Hannah, writes this: "When we moved to Flordon a few years ago, I could see that there were signs of a community spirit but was so busy with work and home life that I was happy enough just saying hello to the neighbours when I saw them. Fast forward to the end of 2020 and I found myself at home on maternity leave during a national lockdown and suddenly I felt like I really wanted to find that community and be part of it.

"As an alternative to stalking people on my walks (no, really!), I set up the Flordon Community Group on Facebook. It seemed like lots of other people also wanted to be part of something as more and more kept joining, enjoying sharing memories of the village. Now we have over 100 members and are thinking to the future when we might be able to see people in real life AND know their names!

"The group is also there for questions, advice and sharing news and photos of anything Flordon related. If you aren't already a member just click the link above and ask to join."

With over 60 members, there is also Flordon Yellow Pages on Facebook for buying/selling and promoting local businesses.

Flordon Info WhatsApp Group

If you're a member of Flordon community and also on WhatsApp, you might like to ask around and join the WhatsApp group, for sharing Flordon news and information, ideas and to help facilitate organising local events.


2 months to go

Coming Up Next...

Flordon Film Club

Flordon Film Club will be screening (film has yet to be chosen)  in St. Michael's Community Centre Wednesday 11th December. The doors open at 7.00pm and the film starts at 7.45.

Tickets are £5 each at the door. Annual membership is now also due at £10. To book or for more information about the club please contact David Harrison on 470118 or

The film has yet to be chosen.

Contact David for more details - 01508 470118

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