Flordon Film Club
2 days to go
Flordon Film Club will be screening TEACHER's LOUNGE in St. Michael's Community Centre Wednesday 10th October. The doors open at 7.00pm and the film starts at 7.45.
Carla Nowak (Leonie Benesch) is a new arrival on the staff of a middle school in Germany, her commitment and optimism still unblunted. When the suspicion for a spate of thefts falls on a particular boy, based on little more than his skin colour, she acts to exonerate him, capturing, through dubious means, evidence that seems to implicate a fellow member of staff. But the accused teacher, single mother of Oskar (Leo Stettnisch), another child in Carla’s class, doggedly protests her innocence.
“A gripping poignant drama fronted by a staggeringly good performance from Benesch.” The Upcoming
“A fine exercise in restrained but mounting tension.” Variety
“Benesch is superb.” The Guardian
Watch the trailer at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbUaACY8wRQ
Tickets are £5 each at the door. Annual membership is now also due at £10. To book or for more information about the club please contact David Harrison on 470118 or david020747@hotmail.co.uk
The next meeting after this will be on Wednesday 11 December. The film has yet to be chosen.
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Contact David for more details - 01508 470118