Donations of food and period supplies are welcome - and freely available

Your donations of food can be left at one of the following places in Mulbarton:
- Mulbarton Church Porch - anything donated here is available for free to anyone in need in the community to help themselves. It is emptied every other Monday when, whatever is there, is taken to Norwich Foodbank.
- Mulbarton Co-op - food donated here goes to support local causes in Norfolk.
Period supplies can also be dropped off at the church porch, in a box labelled "Dignity in Difficult Times". These are also available to anyone in need, free of charge.
For information about giving financially to the work of Norwich Foodbank, please scroll to bottom of this message
Shopping List:
* Long life milk
* Long life fruit juice
* Sponge Pudding (tinned / long life)
* Tomatoes (Tinned)
* Tinned Veg - especially carrots, sweetcorn and green beans
* Tea Bags (40s and 80s)
* Instant mash potato
* Tinned Meat e.g. ham, chicken in sauce, corned beef
* Tinned Fruit
* Nappies - especially size 5 + 6
* Soap powder / washing gel (small quantities)
* Powdered milk
* Pasta Sauces - especially tomato-based (i.e. not curry sauces)
* Tinned custard
* Tinned potatoes
* Rice Pudding (Tinned)
* Instant coffee
* Cereal / snack bars
* Tinned Fish
* Biscuits (sweet)
* Packets of instant mash
* Jam / Marmalade (not homemade)
* Peanut butter
* Sweets / bars of chocolate
* Petfood (dog and cat)
* Washing up liquid and sponges
Toiletries, including deodorants, shower gel, shampoo, toilet rolls, shaving gel / foam and razors etc.
(Currently well stocked with baked beans, cereal, soup, teabags, pasta and feminine hygiene products.)
Financial donations are also accepted as there is a cost involved in running the charity and including buying stock that's needed. For information about the Foodbank and about setting up a standing order, gift aid or making an online payment please go to: