Small Groups

A number of Small Groups meet during the week for bible study, prayer, fellowship and friendship and to ‘share the journey’. These are often seen as vital to aid us in our spiritual development.
Monday Group meets fortnightly on a Monday evening, and would welcome newcomers. Led by Rachel & Stewart Burchell, and meeting in the homes of those who attend.
Tuesday Group meets every week, breaking for school holidays. The group is led by Fran Kittle, and meets in one of three homes. The group currently has 16 members if all turn up.
Wednesday Group meets weekly, including through school holidays, led by Tom & Becky Taylor, and meeting in their home.
Thursday Group is a new discussion group that meets in Flordon on Thursday afternoons, fortnightly, meeting in Rujuan's home.
Speak to Adrian in the first instance if you would be interested in joining a small group.
01508 571167