Youth, children & families

It is a privilege to share the journey of life and faith with children, young people and families here in our community. You are so welcome to join us.
All Age Services. Bi-monthly on the first Sunday of the month at Mulbarton Church at 10.00am offers a relaxed, interactive and fun opportunity to explore the things of God with all ages.
Wild Church. Church, but not as you know it. Outdoors and wild. Interactve & creative. Bi-monthly on the first Sunday at 10.00am at Mulbarton Church for all ages
Children’s Corner is available during all our services with toys, crafts, puzzles and books for younger ones to enjoy.
YOMMY Youth Group meets alongside our Sunday services at Mulbarton offering a fun relaxed space for young people aged 11yrs plus to explore the things of life and faith together.
Holiday Clubs. God’s story and love are shared several times a year with primary school aged children through ‘Open the Book’, games, crafts and lots of fun