Offering Healing and Wholeness through Jesus Christ

Jesus healed many people when He walked on earth, and called His followers to do likewise. But what does this mean in today's world?
Christian healing and wholeness
Christian healing is interested in the whole person and is a form of holistic healing. We see the person as a physical and emotional and spiritual person. We are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139).
Contact the Rector if you would like to speak to a trained pastoral helper who will be happy to pray with you, listen and advise.
Our source of power, hope and comfort is Almighty God, who loves us incredibly.
"I am the Lord who heals you" Exodus chapter 15 verse 26.
Other Resources
You may be interested to know that there is a prayer line run by UCB (United Christian Broadcasters) available 9.00am to10:00pm Monday to Friday, and from 10.00am to 6pm on Saturdays. All calls are treated confidentially by trained volunteers. Contact UCB by phone on 01782 363 000 to ask for prayer or go to