Help and guidance when a loved one dies

Help and guidance when a loved one dies

This section is about the practicalities of what to do when a loved-one dies. 

What to do when a loved one dies

    • Contact the Rector or church minister. He helps you arrange the service (see below) and pastorally to get through the next period of time.
    • Contact a funeral director. (Look in the Yellow Pages if necessary.)
      The funeral director helps you sort out all the practical details, such as removal of body from home, announcements in the press, type of coffin, etc. They will liaise with the Rector about date and time of service (and organises paying all church/ crematorium related fees, including the organist).
    • Decide on where you'd like the service.
      At a Norwich crematorium and maybe afterwards the ashes to be buried at the local church or crematorium. Or at church with burial or service at church followed by committal at crematorium.
    • Arrangement of the funeral service.
      Discuss with Rector details such as hymns/music, Bible reading and other suitable readings, family tribute, organist, where the grave will be, what the order of events is when you arrive for the funeral and where you will sit, etc. We have lists of suitable hymns and readings.

Meanwhile, we hope you might find some comfort from the prayers of healing, pain and mourning on the Church of England’s website at :

There is also excellent emotional and practical advice and support collated at



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