Resources to help us pray

Resources to help us pray

Open Churches

Our church buildings are open every day in Mulbarton, Hethel and Bracon Ash, and every Saturday in Flordon, during daylight hours.

All are welcome to visit and make use of the sacred space, where our Maker has been worshiped week by week for centuries.  We hope you will sense something of that divine presence.

Prayer Resources

Each church has resources which are designed to help with a variety of life circumstances, and to help visitors connect with God.

Mulbarton Church has recently launched a prayer corner near the main entrance, which has many creative and engaging ways you can try praying.  Please do visit and give them a go!

You might also like to download the free 'Lectio 365' app from the Play Store app on your mobile phone. This short daily devotional resource of scripture and prayer helps encounter God and shape our lives by praying the Bible every day. 

Or you might like to see the daily prayer on the Church of England website:  Today's Prayer | The Church of England


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