God is a God who has the poor, the oppressed, the outcasts especially at heart and encourages us , like Jesus, to chose to draw alongside and defend the rights, to live a life of love towards these people. FAIRTRADE is one way to respond to this challenge. FAIRTRADE is, itself, about choices - using our power of choice to allow others the choice to improve their lives and communities and plan for their futures, to escape the crippling poverty that would restrict or remove choice in and from their lives. When you chose to buy products with the FAIRTRADE Mark, you support farmers and workers receiving a fair wage for their work, decent working conditions, protection of workers' rights and the environment. Also, an additional Fairtrade Premium is included that they get to choose how to invest in business or community projects, such as schools, transport, health care and sanitation.
As a church, we have made a commitment to be a FAIRTRADE church, this means our PCC has agreed to use Fairtrade tea and coffee after services and all meetings which we have responsibility for; that we will move towards using other Fairtrade products such as sugar, biscuits and fruit and that we will promote Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight and during the year. We have tried to honour this through events such as giving opportunities for people to order Fairtrade goods at Christmas, Fairtrade fashion shows, assemblies and lessons in local schools, Fairtrade stalls at local community events, as well as providing materials for individuals to help inform and spread the Fairtrade message to the people they live, work and socialise with.
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