
Sunday 18 Aug 2024

Sunday 18 Aug 2024

After a fabulous Holiday Club week at Mulbarton Primary School, we gather in Mulbarton Church to celebrate some of the themes from the week, to sing some of the songs we learned there, and to enjoy being together during this summer break.

All welcome, in person or online.

Livestream here and on YouTube:


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Sunday 21 July 2024

Sunday 21 July 2024

On Mulbarton's patron saint day, we continue to follow the unfolding saga of the early kingdom of Israel.  King David tries to build God a house. Join us to find out how this goes!

In person in Mulbarton Church or online here or on our YouTube channel.


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Eco Church - Sunday 14 July 2024

Eco Church - Sunday 14 July 2024

Sunday worshpi this week focues on our Eco Church commitments - why and how are we pursuing this?

Livestream here or on our YouTube channel:


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Meditative Service - Sunday 30 June 2024

Meditative Service - Sunday 30 June 2024

Join us for our special quarterly meditative service, either in person at Mulbarton Church or online.

Livestream here:


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Mulbarton Church Treasurer - VACANCY!

Mulbarton Church Treasurer - VACANCY!

Mulbarton Church Council are immensely grateful to Sue Mellows, ably assisted by Symon, in doing so much valuable work as treasurer for six years. But Sue has now retired and so we would love to hear from anyone interested to explore what this crucial role might involve and whether you could help carry the church forward in this role. You would be working as part of a dynamic and committed team, as together we see more of God's kingdom come.

A full job description is available here.

Please contact the Rector in the first instance if you would like to find out more.


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Sunday 9 June 2024

Sunday 9 June 2024

Join us in person or online, as we worship together and explore this week's Bible readings.  Topically, the main reading this week is all about appointing a national leader!

Samuel anoints Saul, the first ever king of Israel, just as the people voted.

Livestream will begin broadcasting on Sunday morning here:


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Sunday 2 June 2024

Sunday 2 June 2024

Join us in person or lonline, as we explore what it means to be open to God, just as the young prophet, Samuel, was all those years ago.

Also, this Sunday, the long awaited return of "Ice Cream Sunday"!!  Join us at the Rectory from 11am for a drink and an ice cream!

Livestream will begin on Sunday morning here:


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Pentecost Sunday 19 May 2024

Pentecost Sunday 19 May 2024

One of our big three feast days, along with Christmas and Easter - this Sunday marks the amazing gift of the Holy Spirit to God's people.

Join us at Mulbarton Church in person or online at 10am.

Service order here.

Livestream here Sunday morning:


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Sunday 12 May 2024

Sunday 12 May 2024

Jill leads a service of morning worship on the theme of Ascension, as we reach the climax of seasonal time at the end of Easter.

All welcome in person or online.

Service sheet here

Livestream here Sunday morning.


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Sunday 21 April 2024

Sunday 21 April 2024

We continue to explore the aftermath of Jesus' resurrection as the church grows and the powers and authorities are left struggling to know how to cope.

Join us in person as we share bread and wine, or online as we worship together.

Service order here

Livestream here Sunday morning:


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Sunday 14 April 2024

Sunday 14 April 2024

Worship in-person or online from Mulbarton Church.

This 3rd Sunday of Easter, we we explore the new beginning offered to the religious folk of Jesus' time, and what that means for church today.

Service sheet online here.

Livestream here on Sunday morning:


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Sunday 7 April 2024

Sunday 7 April 2024

Join us as we explore how the early church shared life together, and be inspired as we think about how we share life together too.

In person at Mulbarton Church or online via the livestream.

Service order here

Livestream here:


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Sunday 3 March 2024 - All Age

Sunday 3 March 2024 - All Age

Join us for lively, fun, interactive worship for all ages.

We explore how the example and teaching of Jesus and Moses help us to live well in today's world.

In person or online.

Service order here.

Livestream here on Sunday morning:


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Sunday 4 Feb 2024

Sunday 4 Feb 2024

We welcome Teddy's family to church, as we welcome him into the family, through baptism, remembering how Jesus' parents also brought Jesus to the Temple to be presented to the Lord.

Service sheet here.

Livestream here:


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Sunday 28 Jan 2024

Sunday 28 Jan 2024

This Sunday, a special christening service for Mason and Mia, as we reflect on how Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to the Temple at the start of his life.

Service order here.

Livestream here on Sunday morning.


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All Age Worship 7 Jan 2024

All Age Worship 7 Jan 2024

Exploring the baptism of Christ on this first Sunday of the new year, full of promise of all that is to come.

Fun, interactive worship, with something for everyone.  All welcome in person or online.

Service order here.

Livestream here Sunday morning:


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Midnight Christmas Communion 2023

Midnight Christmas Communion 2023

Join us in person at Mulbarton Church or online, to see Christmas in with a communion service - "Christ's Mass" in the truest sense!

Service begins at 11:30pm

Livestream here:


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Crib Service 2023

Crib Service 2023

Our annual crib service - telling the Christmas story as we hear from all the main characters

Livestream here:


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Sunday 24 Dec 2023: Thanksgiving for Sammy

Sunday 24 Dec 2023: Thanksgiving for Sammy

We rejoice with the family for the gift of baby Samuel, as we consider the angel's visit to Mary with news of a special baby.

Service order here.

Livestream here on Sunday morning.


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Sunday 19 November 2023

Sunday 19 November 2023

Encouragement and hope found aplenty in the Gospel readings today.  Join us live or remotely via the link below, as Adrian leads us in a communion service.

Service sheet here.

Livestream here from Sunday morning:


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Remembrance Sunday

Remembrance Sunday

Please join us for any of our Services of Remembrance on Sun 12th November - details below:

Sun 12th  10.00am - 11:30am      Mulbarton Church & YouTube          Remembrance Service

Sun 12th, 10:30am - 11:15am      St. Michael's, Flordon                      Remembrance

Sun 12th, 10:45am - 11:30am      St. Nicholas, Bracon Ash                 Outdoor Remembrance

YouTube live here:


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Sunday 15 October 2023

Sunday 15 October 2023

The kingdom of God is like...a big party with a grand feast!  Come and find out more at our Communion service in Mulbarton Church or online (WiFi permitting!) this Sunday.

Service order here.

Livestream here on Sunday morning:


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Sunday 8 Oct 2023

Sunday 8 Oct 2023

Join us for worship in person at Mulbarton Church or online via YouTube or our website, as Jill leads us in an exploration of God's vineyard

Service order here

APOLOGIES! Livestream unavailable this week!


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Sunday 17 Sep - Creationtide Communion

Sunday 17 Sep - Creationtide Communion

Sunday Worship at Mulbarton Church draws on special resources for this season of creationtide, to offer a harvest service feel.  The service will include a special blessing for our churchyard.

Service order here.

Livestream here:


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Sunday 13 August 2023

Sunday 13 August 2023

Following up from a fab holiday club week, exploring the theme of lost things being found, all welcome to hear the stories, sing the songs, and celebrate together.

Broadcast on YouTube and here on Sunday morning:


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Sunday 16 July 2023

Sunday 16 July 2023

Not quite at the Feast of St Mary Magdalene, Mulbarton's patron saint, but almost.  Her feast day is 22nd July.  For our communion service at Mulbarton Church this Sunday morning, we will be thinking about some new learning that has been uncovered about Mary, and exploring what that means for us.

Service order here.

Livestream available here on Sunday morning:



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Beginners' Dance Classes in Mulbarton Village Hall on Monday evenings

Beginners' Dance Classes in Mulbarton Village Hall on Monday evenings

If you’ve always wanted to learn to dance or would like a refresher, please come and join us on Monday evenings at Mulbarton Village Hall! 

Ballroom & Latin class from 7.30pm to 8.30pm;   Modern Jive class from 8.30 to 9.30pm. 

Interested? Then please contact Sandra Boatman for more information and to register interest on 01508 528284 or email

The intention is then for Sandra to host a Tea Dance as a church fund raiser in September for both learners and more experienced dancers - more details to follow shortly.




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Sunday 2 July 2023

Sunday 2 July 2023

An interactive service for al ages, exploring the call of Jesus, for whom welcome and kindess were key values.

On YouTube here:


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A message from the new Bishop of Thetford

A message from the new Bishop of Thetford

A message from the soon to be installed new Bishop of Thetford - Venerable Ian Bishop, formerly Rector of the Tas Valley group of churches.

Click on the link and then click 'skip ads' after 5 seconds:



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Sunday 18 June 2023

Sunday 18 June 2023

Communion Service, exploring Jesus call to his disciples.  Who were they?  What were they calledd to do?  Where were they sent, and how did it go?  What can we learn together?

Service order here.

Livestream here on Sunday morning:


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Coronation Special All Age - 7 May 2023

Coronation Special All Age - 7 May 2023

Informal, all age friendly and faith affirming to mark this Coronation Weekend, a Coronation All Age Service, this Sunday morning, 10am at Mulbarton.

We have ‘A Minute to Win It’, a blast from the past with The Word Association Game, a chance to think about Jesus as God’s representative, and an opportunity to pray for King Charles III as he becomes ours.

We’d love to see you there or you can join from the comfort of your home via YouTube or embedded here on the website.

Service order here.

Livestream here Sunday morning:


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Sunday 23 April 2023

Sunday 23 April 2023

We welcome Jane Minchin, on placement from Attleborough, who will be sharing reflections on the disciples' journey with Jesus on the road to Emmaus.  Jane has been journeying with us through Lent, and this will be her farewell to the benefice.

Service sheet here.

Broadcast live on YouTube here:


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Palm Sunday 2 April 2023

Palm Sunday 2 April 2023

We enter into Holy Week with a special service for all ages, marking the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, riding on a donkey.

The service will be broadcast live on YouTube, available here on Sunday morning:


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Sun 26 March 2023

Sun 26 March 2023

We explore another of John's narratives about an encounter between an individual and Jesus - perhaps the most striking of all - the dead man, Lazarus.

Service sheet here.

Broadcast live on Sunday morning:


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Sunday 22 Jan 2023

Steve leads worship this morning.  From the readings about the call of those first disciples, he will be exploring the God who cooses the foolish things.

Live YouTube stream here:



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Crib Service

Crib Service

In person or online, see the sun go down on Christmas Eve at Mulbarton Curch as we tell the age old story.

On YouTube:


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Sunday 27 Nov 2022

Sunday 27 Nov 2022

Steve leads us in worship at Mulbarton Church for our livestreamed service of the day.

Livestream will appear here on Sunday morning:



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Sunday 20 November 2022

Sunday 20 November 2022

This Sunday, that marks the end of the liturgical year with the celebration of "Christ the King" is also the Sunday before the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (Friday 25 November).  We shall be comparing King Jesus with King David of old as we worship together, and share bread and wine.

The 10am service in Mulbarton will be broadcast in the normal way.

Service sheet here.

Livestream here on Sunday morning:

Bathsheba in distress
Bathsheba in distress
 Bathsheba coerced
Bathsheba coerced
David dances before the ark  
David dances before the ark
Bathsheba at David feet
Bathsheba at David feet
Bathsheba husband killed  
Bathsheba husband killed
David is the justice system
David is the justice system
Bathesheba is not a temptress
Bathesheba is not a temptress


The fallout in wider family
The fallout in wider family
Nathan confronts David  
Nathan confronts David
The Good Shepherd
The Good Shepherd

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Sunday 30 October - Meditative Service

Sunday 30 October - Meditative Service

Rachel and Sarah will be leading us in a gentle meditative service, to which all are warmly invited.

YouTube link here:



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Sunday 23 Oct 2022

Sunday 23 Oct 2022

A religious leader and a publican walked into a temple to pray...sounds like the setup for a joke, but the insight and life lessons packed into this little story are no joke - some profound things to reflect on this Sunday, as we break bread together.

Service order is here.

Livestream here:


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Sunday 9 October 2022 - Giving in Grace

Sunday 9 October 2022 - Giving in Grace

A part of our Christian discipleship that Jesus talked a lot about is how we handle money.  This week, we look at the ways Paul helped a local congregation to think through issues on this subject and take action.

A service order is here.

The service will be broadcast on YouTube and here as usual on Sunday morning:


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Sunday 2 October 2022 - For All Ages

Sunday 2 October 2022 - For All Ages

This Sunday we are back in the rhythm of our regular first Sunday of the month all age worship sevices, with interactive dramatic Bible stories and prayers, games, songs, and activities, suitable for all ages.  The service is shorter than normal, at about 50 minutes, and all are welcome to take time out to gather, re-centre, and enjoy one another's company, as we encounter God together and explore the engaging material from when Paul was writing to young Timothy from prison.

A full service order is available here.

The service will be broadcast on YouTube and available here on Sunday morning:


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Sunday 25 September - Harvest

Sunday 25 September - Harvest

Our Annual Harvest Service, to which all are welcome.

Poverty isn’t God’s plan. The church is. Come and fnd out how, together, as the church, we can help families around the world break free from poverty and reach their God-given potential this harvest.

You’ll hear about Mahima from Nepal – how she was struggling to feed her family after the rainy season failed again – and how you can make a difference to communities like hers.

Everyone is invited. Come and join us, and give people the freedom to grow this harvest.

A service sheet is available here.

And a livestream is here:



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Sunday 11 September - Hallie Christening

Sunday 11 September - Hallie Christening

We welcome Hallie's family to Mulbarton Church for a service of worship, exploring the ways in which Jesus seeks and saves the lost, at which Hallie will be baptised in water and begin her Christian journey.

Click here for a service sheet.

The service will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel and available here on Sunday morning:


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Sunday 14 August 2022

Sunday 14 August 2022

This Sunday worship at 8:30am at Hethel, 10am at Mulbarton and 6:30pm at Flordon.

Also, remember cream teas served at Hethel Church 2-5pm!

The 10am service is livestreamed and available for catch-up.

10am service words here.

Livestream here:



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Sunday 24 July 2022

Sunday 24 July 2022

This Sunday is the first of the summer holidays.  We have an 8:30 communion service at Flordon, or 10:30 Church @ Hanover, meeting in Hanover Gardens Lounge.  Or you can join us in Mulbarton Church, either in person or remotely, for a 10am service, suitable for all ages.

A service order for the 10am service will be available to download or view here.

The livestream will appear here on Sunday morning:


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Jubilee Pentecost Sunday

Jubilee Pentecost Sunday

Join us at 8am at Mulbarton Church for a spoken Holy Communion service on this extra special Sunday, or join us at 9am for Pentecost Morning Prayer, with hymns, at Bracon Ash Church.

Or, as usual, you can join in person or remotely, for a 10am service for all ages at Mulbarton Church.

A service order for the 10am service is here.

A livestream is here:


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Sunday 22 May 2022

Sunday 22 May 2022

Derrick leads us in worship as we explore the ascension and return of Christ.

A service order is available to view or download by clicking here.

The live stream will appear here on Sunday morning:



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Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Join us in person or online for a contemporary Easter communion service, suitable for all ages.

Service sheet here:

Online stream here:


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Ukraine - would you like to help?!

Ukraine - would you like to help?!



A NEW OPPORTUNITY has arisen to help a family of 6 Ukrainians, currently trapped in Europe en route to find refuge in UK.

Details and to donate click here

(If donating, please note you do not have to add extra to your gift for GoFundMe - select "Other Amount" and type 0 in the box - thank you!)



There are ways we can all help with the desperate situation unfolding in Ukraine, not least by prayer. Even better if we can join up our thinking and efforts. Please let me know if you think you could offer practical support with any of the following…

You can simply give, from your own purse or through a fundriasing effort. There are various agencies doing good work. One that is especially receommended is The Disaster Emergency Committee fund:

Local people are doing what they can. In Flordon, people have collected goods for local collection points. Others in Mulbarton are planning to fill their vans with local donations and drive to the Ukrainian border to offer support. Others are thining about fundraising events to raise money for the DEC appeal. Look out for fundraising events at the Village Hall and news of local collection points.

A big development this week has been the new government scheme, to open UK homes to Ukrainian refugees:

Please do consider if you can help with the housing effort, should we have applicants directed this way…


Peter and Cathy invite support for helping with homing and supporting refugees here…

All of us, I'm sure, are appalled, saddened, grief-stricken and many other emotions about the situation in Ukraine and the plight of 2.8 million (and rising) refugees. And I'd guess most of us are wondering what we can do to help.

On Monday, the government announced its Homes for Ukraine scheme, which will provide accommodation for an unlimited number of refugees who want to come to the UK. Ukrainians will be applying to come from Saturday, and expect to stay somewhere for at least 6 months.

As some of you know, our home in Hethel is in two parts, with a self-contained cottage next door that people we know use for retreats and other breaks. It is hardly booked at the moment and we feel we should offer it into the scheme. Others in our churches may have accommodation or spare rooms that they also are thinking of offering.

For some years, Cathy and I have been involved with the People from Abroad Team (PfAT) in the city, working with two Syrian refugee families and we are full of admiration for the wrap-around support that the team provides. For a start, registering individuals with a GP and any other specialist medical help they may need, enrolling children into schools, connecting people with the benefits system and probably opening a bank account for them, and then the ongoing provision of English learning opportunities. Needless to say, people living in any of our villages will need help with transport too and day-to-day support as questions and needs arise. Quite a list, multiplied in its complexity by the fact that these friends from overseas are certain to be deeply traumatised by their experiences.

This is a big commitment and, although the government has made a broad statement about support from local authorities, for understandable reasons there is little detail at the moment. Our thinking is that a small team of people from across the benefice would make the support task more manageable, for us and for anyone else thinking of offering accommodation. Having a team also makes it possible for more from our churches to be involved if they so wish.

Anyway, although this is completely nebulous at the moment, I thought I'd wave a flag and invite anyone who would like to offer some help to get in touch. I can't see this programme happening instantly and, to be honest, we can't know whether any offer we (or you) make will be taken up: there has already been a huge response - 25000 offers in the first three hours of the website going live. But we feel led to making the offer.

After all, Jesus made clear that when we welcome the stranger, we welcome him (Matthew 25.31-40). And vice versa.


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Lent: 40 Prayers for 40 Days

Lent: 40 Prayers for 40 Days

Adrian will lead discussion on Wednesday evenings during Lent in Harvest House. It will be a chance to talk about the resource that Susanna Gunner is working on. You'll need to sign up as below to get it 'delivered' daily.  We will also be posting links on the website and Facebook.

Susanna is recording all her reflections, so you can listen to her read them out, as well as read - especially useful for the visually impaired among us.

If you do not have access to the internet, please let Adrian or Sarah know, and we will print out the 40 reflections and let you have them on paper.

This Lent focus on prayer is part of the new diocesan vision for being "prayerful, pastoral and prophetic".  This is what Susanna herself says about it...

The Diocese of Norwich has recently embraced a new Vision: Transformed by Christ: Prayerful, Pastoral, Prophetic. So, to support our ‘Prayerful’ focus in the Vision’s first year, I’m offering a prayer a day during this Lenten season. Once again, because I’ve decided to include the six Sundays of Lent (and to end with Easter Day itself), that’s actually 47 (not 40) prayers!
How have I chosen the prayers? Well, some of my choices have been triggered by special days in the calendar or by biblical readings set for that day. Others have emerged out of what’s going on in the world around us. I’ve deliberately spread the net wide and drawn on prayers from across the globe, centuries and traditions. Each prayer will be accompanied by a reflection, an image and often by a musical setting too.

See the 40 Prayers for 40 Days here.



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Sunday 27 Feb 2022

Sunday 27 Feb 2022

We welcome Annabelle's family to the service today as we celebrate her baptism, and as we consider the mountain top experience of the first disciples of Jesus, at his transfiguration.  Moments of change.

A service sheet is available to download here:

APOLOGIES!  No broadcast for the service this morning, since the internet is down in Church!



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Sunday 20 Feb 2022 - Living before the throne of God

Sunday 20 Feb 2022 - Living before the throne of God

This week, Derrick leads our worship, and reflects on the next part of Luke's gospel, following on from last week, as Jesus explains to his disciples how his coming fulfils the Jewish religion.

All the words for the service are available to view or download here:

The service will be broadcast on YouTube here on Sunday morning:



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Sunday 6 Feb 2022 - Out of our depth?

Sunday 6 Feb 2022 - Out of our depth?
This morning, we thought about Peter going back out to fish after a night of failure at work. Not expecting much, the fishermen did what Jesus told them, and landed a massive catch. You would expect Peter to be happy, but he wasn't. Instead his shame surfaced. And yet Jesus still invited him to follow and join in with the important work of sharing God's love.
When work isn't working, when relationships are reeling, when shame is surfacing, Jesus calls us to follow, invites us deeper into love.
I wondered if the reason Peter got on his knees in shame after this encounter was because he became aware that he was being called, that his life had meaning and purpose after all, that he could catch the fish, that he could succeed...
And then the shame hijacked the call, shouting at him "But you can't! You of all people should not be here!"
And so it came out. The shame surfaced. Peter begged Jesus to go away. He couldn't cope with this.
And Jesus didn't seem to bat an eyelid. He saw it. He invited Peter anyway.
Anybody here ever suffer from "imposter syndrome"? You know that person you fear you could never really be, but you try to fake it til you make it? The real you is even better! Shame will tell you different. Shame is wrong. Dare you believe it?
Check out this poem, "Our Deepest Fear", taken from Marianne Williamson's book A Return to Love :
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.
We ask ourselves
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small
Does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine,
As children do.
We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us;
It's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we're liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
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Sunday Worship - 30 Jan 2022: "Enough and more"

Sunday Worship - 30 Jan 2022: "Enough and more"
  1. Meditative Service led by Rachel and Sarah, exploring "Enough and more".

A creative worship response is available here, which you might want to print off and use at home:

If you want to follow along, you can download a PDF with all words here:

Two videos are used in the service:

The service is live on YouTube, and available to catch up with later here:


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Sunday Worship - Water into Wine

Sunday Worship - Water into Wine

Join us remotely for our monthly communion service at Mulbarton Church, where Adrian will be leading an exploration about the story of Jesus turning water into wine at the outset of his public work.

A service sheet, with all the words for the service, including song lyrics is here (this will open in a new tab):

YouTube videos of the worship songs are here, in case you'd rather watch along:

The live YouTube link failed today!  I thought I had turned the power switch on for the laptop charger when I set the live stream going before heading to Bracon Ash; but in fact the laptop was running on battery, so went into standby and ended the stream before the service had begun.

So, no recording of the service today, but the service sheet is there, with links to the songs!

In my talk, I reflected on three things arising out of the passage about when Jesus turned the water into wine, from John 2:1-11.

Transformation of water into wine.  Using the Jewish ceremonial washing pots, symbolising the fulfilment of the Jewish traditions, in how Jesus came to bring transformed religion that revealed the love of God in fresh ways.  150 gallons of water into the same amount of wine!  This was serious transformation.  We have a God who turns things around and brings change - which is welcome news for many of us at the outset of 2022!

Obedience of the servants, after Mary had told them "do whatever he says".  Not obeying human authority, which can often mislead us, but listening for the voice of Jesus, and our own God-given conscience, above the authority of the church or the given dogma.  There is an innate human need to belong and fit in, and comply, which can be exploited, and has been used to control people inside the church as much as outside of it.  Our task as Christians is to obey Jesus only, and in any leadership responsibilities we have, to do as Jesus did in leadership, to serve and not to be served - to offer a direction and not to demand obedience, to be safe and not exploitative.

Everyday context of the miracle.  It wasn't a special religious setting in which Jesus showed this first miraculous sign, which revealed his glory.  It was a wedding party, where the wine had run out prematurely, and risked bringing shame on the family.  There was a real need in a non-religious setting, and Jesus helped meet it - and most people there were unaware that a miracle had happened.  The quiet, unnoticed miracles, meeting a need in every day ordinary life - that's the essence of what Christianity calls us to.  Making a difference with what we have where we are, to help our neighbours.  The specific religious stuff, like Sunday worship, praying with others, singing worship songs, preaching a 3-point sermon with points, whose first letters spell "TOE", etc. - all of that can be really helpful and is important to try to get right - but it is intended to resource God's people for service, and not to be the end in itself. And sometimes that stuff can be used in a hypnotic way, to control thoughts, beliefs and behaviour.  The account of water into wine at a wedding to meet the need as it presented itself draws us back to the heart of servanthood worship.


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Sunday Worship - 9 Jan 2022 - The Baptism of Christ

Sunday Worship - 9 Jan 2022 - The Baptism of Christ

Join us as we worship God together and explore what the baptism of Christ means for us, at the start of this season of epiphany.

YouTube live stream is available on our YouTube channel here:

Or embedded right here below:



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Sunday Worship - 2 Jan 2022 - New Year, new journey

Sunday Worship - 2 Jan 2022 - New Year, new journey

Adrian leads a communion service, as we explore the journey of the magi, and our own journey into a new year.

Service without music on YouTube Channel here:

We also introduced Norwich Diocese adapted "Covenant Prayer" and the new hymn Susannah Gunner has written for 2022, full text reproduced below...

Adapted Covenant Prayer

I am no longer my own but yours.
Put me to prayer.
Put me to deepening my life with you by deepening my life of prayer.
Put me to the faithful setting aside of time;
put me to listening;
put me to wonder;
put me to holding a broken world in your love;
put me to trusting.

I willingly expect to be changed by prayer:
I freely and wholeheartedly yield to being transformed by Christ.
Let me be changed by you and so change the world for you.
Glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are mine and I am yours.
So be it.
And this covenant now made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven.

Transformed by Prayer

Transform, O Christ, your people
assembled in this place;
our longing to be prayerful
is gathering depth and pace:
just as those first disciples,
we too make our request –
‘Teach us to pray, Lord Jesus,
and lead us on our quest.

We glimpse you in the gospels
before the break of day,
alone there in the shadows
and making time to pray:
inspired by your example,
give us the grace to dare
to deepen our discipleship
through deepening times of prayer.

Who knows how this will change us?
What challenges await?
Who knows where prayer might lead us?
What love might come from hate?
So light the fire within us,
stir us afresh to pray;
we’re frail but long for faithfulness: transform us, Christ, today!

We long for peace and plenty
where all we see is war;
we long to feed the hungry,
to change the global law
which keeps the poor from thriving
and elevates the rich;
we long for holy justice:
teach us to pray for this.

We long to heal the forests,
protect the suffering seas,
to halt the melting ice-caps,
increase the hum of bees;
we know our need for wisdom
(so close to the abyss),
for unity, humility:
teach us to pray for this.

Transform, O Christ, your people assembled in this place,
attune us to your presence,
still us in your embrace:
then grace us as we listen,
hearts opening until,
with boldness and with vision,
we’re nerved to do your will.

Susanna Gunner, November 2021


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Sunday Worship - 19 Dec 2021

Sunday Worship - 19 Dec 2021

This Sunday, we celebrate holy communion, as we worship God using lively contemporary settings of traditional carols.

The service will be broadcast on YouTube as normal - available below.

With covid cases increasing, we continue to take the rules seriously, and require those attending worship to wear masks, unless exempt on age or health grounds.

Live stream on YouTube channel:


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Sunday Worship - 21 November 2021

Sunday Worship - 21 November 2021

For "Christ the King" Sunday, Adrian will lead a communion service, exploring the ecnounter between Pilate and Jesus, and what that teaches us about how to listen to the voice of Jesus, whose kingdom is made known through truth and community, and not through power and rules.  We are also delighted to be welcoming Chris into communion in the Church of England.

The service live stream is available on YouTube here, or embedded below:


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Remembrance Sunday 2021

Remembrance Sunday 2021

Cubs, scouts and explorers paraded up from the scout HQ to join war veterans and representatives from community groups as we engaged in our annual act of remembrance around Mulbarton's village war memorial, within an act of worship, led by Adrian.

The YouTube recording is here:

A full service sheet is available to download here

This year, to keep as safe as possible with regard to covid, we spread the opportunities to remember around different churches and war memorials:

  • 10am Remembrance Sunday Service at Mulbarton Church, to which Mulbarton cubs, scouts and explorers are also invited.
  • 10:30am Remembrance Sunday Service at Flordon Church, to which rainbows, brownies, guides and rangers are also invited.
  • 10:55am Remembrance Sunday Service at Swardeston Church, to which Mulbarton beavers are also invited.
  • 10:45am Outdoor Remembrance at Bracon Ash and Hethel war memorial, outside Bracon Ash and Hethel Village Hall, all welcome

Altogether there were about 110 children and 230 adults in attendance at all the events and 8 households joining Mulbarton's service remotely.  We raised about £270 for the work of the Royal British Legion.  It was great to see some medals being worn and sacrifices honoured in that way, and also to have the rainbows, brownies, guides, rangers, beavers, cubs, scouts and explorers in support.  The covid-aware safety measures generally worked well, with Flordon being the most crowded.  We will continue to listen to feedback and reflect on how best to arrange things next year - but thank you to all those who enabled us to mark the occasion well today.


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Sunday Worship - 7 November 2021

Sunday Worship - 7 November 2021

Adrian leads an exploration of the generous widows from the times of Elijah and Jesus.

The YouTube stream is available to catch up on here:


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Sunrise Challenge Complete!

Sunrise Challenge Complete!

I write this on the last day of October, having completed my challenge to be outside at dawn, with sight of the horizon, on as many days as possible this month.  Some of the views were breath-taking.  You can see a few of them in the video below, as well as a couple of trips up the precarious tower ladders.

In a season of dryness, difficulty and disillusionment, I needed something simple, spiritual and sustaining.  I was listening to Jacqui Lewis’s podcast, “Love. Period.” (check out "Love. Period." podcast here), and one of her guests talked about his discipline of being present for every sunrise.  It is a practice that great Christian mystics and writers have recommended for centuries, and it is a universal human point of connection with the beauty and love that has been poured into the natural world.

So, I have found myself on fields, hills and up the church tower, being present with the rhythm of each day.  No agenda, no set prayers or blessings, simply a willingness and openness to be present to the immense beauty and goodness painted in our skies, to ground myself, and seek to stand aside from the internal noise.  It brought a certain perspective - day 22 especially, standing on Mulbarton church tower, feeling myself hurtling at 1000mph away from the moon hanging low in the sky behind me, and towards the rising sun in front of me, poised between the heavenly bodies, small and absolutely not in control.  In need of grace, as are we all.


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Sunday Worship - 31 October 2021

Sunday Worship - 31 October 2021

"Love and Storms"

Rachel will be opening up for us a space in which we can come and encounter God creatively through music, video, readings and prayers, in a meditative style.

The YouTube stream will appear here live on Sunday morning, or will be available live on YouTube - just search for "Mulb Church" channel on your YouTube app.  You can also catch up after the event.

Refreshments will be served in Mulbarton Church after the service - please bring your own mug or cup if you can, for the ultimate covid-safe experience!

Unfortunately, it is not possible to embed the powerpoint that Rachel will be using for the service, but if you would like to get a better view of the videos than the camera view allows, they are available below, as well as the livestream - you may have to turn the volume down on the live feed if you watch real-time, so as not get a conflict of sound!

If you are going to join us online on Sunday, blessings to you and know you are with us, even if not in person.

Live Feed:


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Sunday Worship - 24 October 2021

Sunday Worship - 24 October 2021

As well as 8:30 communion service at Flordon and 10:30 Church @ Hanover, we meet at Mulbarton Church as usual at 10am, where you can access in person or remotely on YouTube or embedded here on the website.

Adrian leads a service of worship, exploring the encounter between Jesus and the blind man, Bartimaeus.  In addition, we will hear from Caroline and Ian, as they prepare to say goodbye to us after about ten years of fellowship and faithful service here.  We wish them well on the next step on their journey.

The service sheet, with all song words, etc. in, is available by clicking here.

The YouTube live stream link is here:



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Admin Assistant Job Opportunity

Admin Assistant Job Opportunity

Deadline for Applications: 31 October 2021

Since the current administrative assistant is moving away from the county imminently, an immediate need exists for an administrative assistant to support the Rector and the work of the churches.

If you are capable, available and motivated to contribute to the mission and ministry of the Mulbarton group of churches in this way, please send your CV and covering letter by email to the PCC secretary:

Our Commitment

We provide a supportive, inclusive and positive environment that aims to help you enjoy your role.  We commit to treating you with respect and courtesy and providing appropriate training, safety, supervision, and adequate equipment.

Job Summary

  • Church administrative work and other duties, as reasonably requested under the direction of the Rector, relating to the needs of the church.
  • 9 hours per week
  • Based in Harvest House office and at home, flexing to suit
  • Working in accordance with the church's policies on safeguarding and lone working
  • Real Living Wage, adjusting each year, currently £9.50 per hour
  • 6 weeks holiday per year (pro rata 54 hours), including bank holidays or days in lieu
  • Hours and working arrangements to be reviewed after 3 months and 6 months

Person Specification

  • Familiarity with Church of England generally, and preferably Mulbarton group of churches specifically
  • Sympathetic to the Christian faith and the work of the church
  • Experience of volunteering and working with volunteers
  • Skills to include IT communication, design and printing
  • Organised and reliable
  • A willingness to develop skills and training

Breakdown of Duties

  • Assisting volunteers and Rector with management of Harvest House and bookings: 1-3 hours per week

  • Design and printing: 1-3 hours per week

  • Communication: 1-2 hours per week

  • Organising, planning, record-keeping, supervision: 3-4 hours per week

Further details available here:


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Sunday Worship - 17 October 2021

Sunday Worship - 17 October 2021

Jill explores the theme of "The Pathway to Promotion" through Mark 10:35-45, while Adrian leads us in a service of Communion at Mulbarton Church, streamed live on YouTube.

A service sheet is available for download here, so you can follow along from home if you're watching on YouTube:

The YouTube stream is available here:


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Benefice Breakfast Service -10 Oct 2021

Benefice Breakfast Service -10 Oct 2021

PLEASE NOTE: There is just ONE service in the benefice on 10th October, in Flordon Church.

From 9:30am, please come for a bite to eat. Croissants, pain au chocolat, fresh Flordon free range eggs, hot and cold drinks available.

At some point after 10am (!!), we’ll begin a service of holy communion, as is our practice receiving the bread and wine simultaneously to be as safe as possible.

There will be no livestream of the service on YouTube.  We continue to encourage masks to be worn during services to protect others.


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Harvest Festival - 3 Oct 2021

Harvest Festival - 3 Oct 2021

Our annual harvest service, in support of Tearfund and Norwich Foodbank.  Please do join the celebration, as we engage with this year's Tearfund Appeal, using video, discussion, traditional harvest song, Bible readings, and specially written prayers.

Donations of dried foods gladly received for Norwich Foodbank.

Donations of money gladly received for this year's Tearfund Harvest Appeal.

A full service order is available here, with all words to sing along to from the comfort of your home, while watching live on YouTube

The live stream on YouTube is available on YouTube here or you can watch below:


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Climate Sunday - 26 Sep 2021

Climate Sunday - 26 Sep 2021

We'll be looking at how we can love our neighbours and the planet with some interesting data, video clips, thought-provocation and worship.

All welcome of course.

Such an important topic with COP26 coming up in November.

Watch live on YouTube or right here on this page, or catch up later:


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Sponsored bike ride 2021

Sponsored bike ride 2021

Thanks to Gavin, John, Tom and Ryan, who cycled round various churches in Norfolk last week.  They covered a lot of ground between them and raised a few hundred pounds to share between our parish church and Norfolk Churches Trust.

Thanks as well to everyone who helped make our four parish church buildings welcoming places for those doing the rounds.

Great effort all round!


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Sunday Worship - 12 September 2021: Package Deal

Sunday Worship - 12 September 2021: Package Deal

Adrian leads us on a journey alongside Jesus' disciples of old, as they are confronted with what it will really mean to follow Jesus.  The costs – as well as the benefits – are integral to Christian faith.  This is a "Package Deal".

We also welcome young Violet and her family, as she is baptised at her christening.

A full service order with song words is available here, so you can follow along to YouTube livestream.


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Sunday Worship - 29 August 2021: Inside, outside

Sunday Worship - 29 August 2021: Inside, outside

This Sunday, we have two christenings at Mulbarton Church, at which we welcome the families of George at 10am and Edith at 12noon.  Adrian will be leading both services, considering Jesus' teaching about how what we do comes from what's inside us.

10am Service: George Christening

12noon Service: Edith Christening


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Sunday Worship - 22 August 2021: Are you confused?

Sunday Worship - 22 August 2021: Are you confused?

Derrick explores the lectionary passages of Joshua 24 verses 14-18 and John 6 verses 56-69 as a response to the question "Are you confused?"

A full service order with song words is available by clicking here.

To join remotely, simply access the Zoom meeting in the usual way, and you will find links to the YouTube live stream and the service order from there.

Zoom meeting click here.

Live stream link is here:


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Sunday Worship - 15 August 2021

Sunday Worship - 15 August 2021

Adrian leads a communion service for all ages, as we conclude our exploration of Jesus' teaching about being the bread of life.

A full service order with song words is available by clicking here.

To join remotely, simply access the Zoom meeting in the usual way, and you will find links to the YouTube live stream and the service order from there.

Zoom meeting click here.

Live stream here:


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Covid Safe in the Brave New World: Navigating On

Covid Safe in the Brave New World: Navigating On

The government and the church have issued new guidelines as legal restrictions lift. In summary, it is up to us to judge the risk and to set our own rules. You may be wondering what that means for worship patterns and other things in the Mulbarton Group of Churches. Read on to find out more...


The changes mean we now have more freedoms to join together for corporate worship, including singing together in our churches. We are blessed with technologies that enable us to worship remotely, and we have facilitated this as much as possible over the lockdown months, but we all know it isn't quite the same as the joy of meeting together in person.  Worship services are now happening again in our church buildings - although you can still worship with us remotely if you would prefer (see Live Streaming section below for more)


Our old medieval buildings are mercifully well ventilated, spacious and airy which helps mitigate the risks of transmission. When just a few are present to worship, we will be able to continue to keep socially distanced and put our masks in our pockets. When many are gathered to worship, we will still ask you to wear masks for singing.

Social Distancing

If you would like to gather with others to worship, but are anxious about being too close to other people, we will endeavour to have areas set aside in the church buildings where social distancing measures are enforced.

Covid Testing

If you are planning to come to a worship service or church event, we recommend taking a lateral flow test, freely available from your local pharmacy, in the 24 hours before attending, even if you are not showing symptoms. If you do have symptoms or if the test is positive, please join in remotely instead of attending in person.


For communion services, we will not be offering the common cup yet, but we will offer bread or wafers that have been dipped in the communion wine by the priest, an authorised practice known as "simultaneous administration". The priest will pray over the bread and wine while they are covered by a napkin, and with hands sanitised and mask worn, will dip portions of bread or wafers into the cup and hand to each communicant, before the priest consumes any wine.


We have a limited number of people who are available to provide musical accompaniment in our church buildings and at Hanover. We will do our best to see that we have live music wherever possible, but as things stand we will not be able to make that provision at every service. If you know of musicians who would like to volunteer their time and skills to help with that, please do direct them to me.

Church @ Hanover & Paper Mailings

For the ever popular monthly "Church at Hanover", which was meeting in the lounge at Hanover Gardens on the 4th Sunday of each month, up until February 2020, we are delighted that we will soon be able to recommence.  The smaller Bible study afternoons are meeting again on the second Thursday of every month at 2pm.  The Sunday morning service will reconvene with a special Harvest Service at 10:30am on Sunday 26 September 2021.  The last DIY service for use at home will be sent in in August 2021, along with a month of Bible readings. Huge thanks are due to Jill Wright for preparing these monthly mailings so faithfully and capably all through lockdown!

Service Rota - Most Up-to-date Information

The church website will continue to be the authoritative source of information for our Sunday services. Any changes will be reflected there first, so always check the website if you are not sure what's coming next or what is available. From the home page, click on "Worship" in the top menu or on the first image at the top that says "Sunday Worship". Or bookmark this link:

Live Streaming

Since March 2020, we have been making Sunday services available to access from home via Zoom, and afterwards on the benefice YouTube channel and website. This has been much appreciated by many, and opened up church to a wider potential audience. Special allowance has been made in these covid emergency times to deal with the streaming licences needed to do that legally - but some of these provisions have now come to an end, and has meant we have needed to re-think this provision over the summer break, and will review what we do in September.. You can still use the regular Zoom link to access a Sunday morning Zoom meeting, but this will no longer include a live feed from the church. Instead, we will share a link from the Zoom meeting to a livestream on the benefice YouTube channel. YouTube has the license agreements in place that Zoom doesn't. The recording will also be available on the website afterwards in the usual way.

Refreshments and Fellowship After Services

We are now allowed to serve coffees and the like after services, but there are quite a few guidelines about how to do this safely and respectfully. We have made the decision not to offer refreshments over the summer break, to keep things simple, and to review in the autumn term. Mingling after services is allowed - please just respect others' boundaries.

Morning Prayer

We will be pausing the morning prayer meetings for the summer. They have been happening Mondays-Thursdays on Zoom and will pause from Thursday 22nd July through the summer, aiming to reconvene on Monday 6th September. We hope that it will be safe to meet in Harvest House for prayer at that time, but will continue to Zoom the meeting from there, so if you want to join in, you will have the choice of coming to Harvest House or joining remotely.

Open the Book

The "Open the Book" team stopped going into Mulbarton school to conduct weekly acts of worship in March 2020, through dramatising inspiring stories from the Bible, and drawing out a simple relevant point for the gathered children. We would love to return to the school in September, and have been invited to do so. Not all of the original team are going to be able to step back into role, so if you are interested in being involved, please do let me know. The "Open the Book" format is tried and tested, and fully scripted, and it is a fun team to be part of, doing really valuable work.


We trust in God for provision as we seek to follow the vision we believe God has given us: following Jesus and sharing the journey with our neighbours. Where there is vision, there is provision. Nevertheless, churches and charities, like some businesses and individuals, have felt the pinch of the economics of this last 16 months. Norwich diocese received almost £1million less in 2020 than in 2019, with income down to just over £6million. They are cutting central staff significantly and are having to cut clergy posts by 10% over the next two years. In our group of parishes, we fell short on our contribution in 2020 for the first time in years, by about £10,000 across the benefice. Huge thanks to those who generously give of their time, skills, compassion and money. During this season of doing different, please do continue to hold in prayer our needs and how we might adapt our giving practices. If you would like to find out more about ways you can give, please do contact me, a churchwarden or a treasurer, who would be happy to help.

Feedback Please

I would love to hear from you about your experience of church and Sunday worship in particular over lockdown. And I would really love to hear from you about your plans over the next few months, as we navigate through this uncharted territory.

  • Are you planning on attending in person now that we can sing?

  • Are you going to feel uncomfortable or anxious about returning to worship for the foreseeable future?

  • Have you appreciated Zoom worship and would you like that to continue in some form?

  • If you access Sunday church over the summer, let me know what you think about the new way to key into it, the Zoom-YouTube combination.

If you have any thoughts about what you are planning or what you would find helpful over the coming weeks, I am all ears! I can't promise to cater for everything, but would love to get a good feel for where we all are at with things.


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Brother Sam at Hethel Church Weekend

Brother Sam at Hethel Church Weekend

After having to postpone from 2020 due to the pandemic, Hethel Church were finally able to hold their weekend event celebrating the beauty of the Earth.

Peter Nicholls, Churchwarden at All Saints Church in Hethel tells us more:

“What a weekend! A capacity crowd (30) got up at 3.45am to see the sunrise. The clouds got in the way, but we enjoyed crystal-clear photos taken last year, and senior Franciscan Brother Sam sang a metrical version of Canticle of the Creatures which, he said, he’d never done at sunrise before. Moving (and slightly bizarre at 4.45am in a Norfolk lane). We then wandered private farm tracks enjoying and naming birdsong.

“Brother Sam delighted: on walks; in a formal talk; preaching; having lunch with a booked group, and serving drinks to pizza-and-beautiful-music-goers on Saturday evening. The message? This is God’s Earth and He loves all of creation. Salvation is not just about us; creation care is for God’s sake. It is for the sake of our neighbours who are overheating or flooding or drying up and it will be for our own benefit, too. Our primary driver should be that God cares as much for Brother Ant and all of life as he cares for us. We were urged to ‘See Differently’ – the title of Br. Sam and others’ book about Franciscans and creation. This was embodied in two prayer walks, appreciating nature through each of the five senses in turn and giving thanks to God.

“On Sunday afternoon Dr Anne Edwards led another capacity crowd through Hethel’s enviro-rich churchyard – at its peak for wildflowers – and beyond, spotting plants, grasses, trees, and insects of interest. Tea and cake, of course, followed, like all the catering both sustainable and beautiful. Br. Sam closed the event with a beautiful “Short Service for a Summer’s Afternoon”.

“Funds were raised for the Society of Saint Francis, A Rocha (overseer of the Eco Church scheme) and Hethel Church. Were people made more aware of the Christian’s responsibility to oppose environmental degradation? We pray so and received positive comments suggesting that the event ‘moved the dial’ a bit.”

We were privileged to welcome Brother Sam to Hethel Church's special weekend, "For the beauty of the Earth".  A member and once leader in the Society of St Francis, Brother Sam encouraged us to refocus on what really matters in relation to God and God's world, our home.

On the Sunday morning, he gave a simple message during the morning services, which is well worthwhile revisiting.  You can see that message here:


On the Saturday, Brother Sam talked about some of the themes from his book, "Seeing differently".  After the talk, there was a Q&A session, and a summing up from Brother Sam, all viewable on our YouTube channel, and embedded below.

Brother Sam main talk: "Seeing Differently":

Brother Sam Q&A:

Brother Sam summing up:


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Sunday Worship - 4 July 2021

Sunday Worship - 4 July 2021

Derrick leads a reflection on journeying with Jesus


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Sunday Worship - 20 June 2021

Sunday Worship - 20 June 2021

Adrian leads a communion service, in which we explore the account of Jesus calming the wind and waves from the boat.  Adrian draws our attention to the questions contained in the passage.  First the disciples ask whether Jesus cares if they drown.  Then, once Jesus has calmed the storm, he asks them what they are scared about and where their faith has gone.  Finally, the disciples ask one another "who is this?"


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Sunday Worship - 13 June 2021

Sunday Worship - 13 June 2021

Derrick reflects on the parable of the mustard seed and the kingdom of God, as we worship together.


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Sunday All Age Worship - 6 June 2021

Sunday All Age Worship - 6 June 2021

Adrian leads us in a service of worship, suitable for all ages, that explores friendship with Jesus, through Bible, prayer, games and song, in an relaxed and interactive way.


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Trinity Sunday - 30 May 2021

Trinity Sunday - 30 May 2021

Adrian leads a service, in which we look at pictures of the trinity, seeking to tease out the theology and worship of the artists, and what the Trinity might mean for us in our Christian lives.


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Pentecost Sunday - 23 May 2021

Pentecost Sunday - 23 May 2021

Jill leads us in a reflection on the wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit to the church, the people of God, while Adrian presides over Communion.


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Sunday worship: 16 May 2021 - becoming the church Jesus prayed for

Sunday worship: 16 May 2021 - becoming the church Jesus prayed for

Adrian leads us in worship, as we reflect on lessons learned from Jesus' great prayer for the church in the world, from John 17.


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Ascension Day Communion - 13 May 2021

Ascension Day Communion - 13 May 2021


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Sunday worship: 9 May 2021 - friendship with Jesus

Sunday worship: 9 May 2021 - friendship with Jesus

Adrian preaches on Acts 10:44-48 and John 15:9-17, reflecting on Jesus' invitation into joy and friendship.

And Derrick leads a Zoom service from home on the same theme:


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Sunday Worship - 2 May 2021 - Cutting Back Growth, Letting in Light

Sunday Worship - 2 May 2021 - Cutting Back Growth, Letting in Light


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Sponsored Head Shave - 30 April 2021

Sponsored Head Shave - 30 April 2021

Live video will be starting shortly....


I'm planning to shave my head on 30th April 2021 (before my wedding season gets underway in earnest!), as a way to raise awareness and raise funds to help us continue to develop healthier and safer church communities, and to support survivors of abuse perpetrated by clergy and church leaders.

Shaving the head is a biblical symbol of lament and repentance, and for me also says something about symbolically shaving off the trappings of the toxicity around male privilege, and some of the unhelpful cultural trappings that have been a factor in some recent high profile cases - the likes of Ravi Zacharias, Jean Vanier and several others, from across the spectrum of Christian traditions.

For me, this has great personal meaning, in terms of my own story and background.  This is a symbolic representative lament, a personal statement of intent, and a way to do something to raise funds to help on the frontline.  I am delighted to be partnering with Thirtyone:eight in this, who have been wonderfully supportive with the endeavour.  The work they are doing is making a difference, and the funds raised here will help more churches become healthier places for all.

One of the first people I told about my crazy head shaving idea was a friend whose life has been blighted by the poor behaviour of church leaders.  I asked how she would feel if some of those people were to shave their heads as a sign that they were sorry for the ways they had exploited their position and privilege to her detriment.  She said it would be a powerful image, after years of feeling invisible.  Since they won't, I will.  I want to listen, lament, repent AND see churches become ever healthier and safer communities.  The way church culture, power, opportunity, celebrity and privilege operate has seen change for the good in recent years, but there is further to go.

More information about Thirtyone:eight: We're an independent Christian charity which helps individuals, organisations, charities, faith and community groups to protect vulnerable people from abuse. To do this, we provide training, consultancy, disclosures and a 24 hour helpline, making sure everyone is equipped and empowered with the tools they need.



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Sunday Worship 25 April 2021

Sunday Worship 25 April 2021

Road to Recovery of Hope & Faith


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Sunday Worship 18 April 2021

Sunday Worship 18 April 2021


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Remembering HRH Prince Philip

Remembering HRH Prince Philip

We remember Prince Philip with gratitude for decades of tireless service and dedication, and with sadness at the loss his death brings to his family and to the life of the nation.

We are being urged not to open physical books of condolence, but there are facilities online to send a message.  You can write a message of condolence on the Church of England website, and find more resources to assist in your prayers at this time of national mourning.  Alternatively, or in addition, you can send a message via the Royal Family website, or by emailing South Norfolk Council on

The Queen has expressed her desire that people refrain from sending or placing bouquets or flowers in memory of Prince Philip, but instead consider offering a donation to charity.  Please do consider offering something to a local charity or one of the many charities supported by Prince Philip in his memory.

The church buildings remain open daily for private prayer, and we encourage you to visit and offer prayer.  You can find resourecs to help with this on the Church of England website.

We will be offering prayers at this Sunday's service held via Zoom, livestreamed on Facebook, and broadcast on YouTube and the church website afterwards.

We will also be tolling our church bells ahead of Prince Philip's funeral, observing the two-minute silence at the end of the funeral service, and will post a link to the official commemorative service, which will be broadcast on the Church of England's Facebook and YouTube channels.

Our prayers and thoughts are with those who are grieving in so many ways at this time



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Worship 11th April

Worship 11th April

Theme: The God of second chances


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Good Friday Meditative Hour

Good Friday Meditative Hour

Cathy and Peter lead us through a contemplative occasion, using props, readings, prayers, music and silence to help us engage with the last moments of Jesus' life on Earth.


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Maundy Thursday Short Communion

Maundy Thursday Short Communion
Adrian leads us in a short contemplative service of Holy Communion to mark Maundy Thursday.
This is Mandate Thursday - Commandment Thursday - "Love one another" Thursday...

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Palm Sunday Worship 28 March

Palm Sunday Worship 28 March


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Mothering Sunday Service

Mothering Sunday Service

Bev leads us through interactive reflections on the story of Moses placed in the basket among the reeds by his mother, and how we too can take action to make the world a better place, no matter what our circumstances.


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Worship 7 March: Finding God in a world of people

Worship 7 March: Finding God in a world of people

Adrian explores the theme of finding God in a world of people, from Paul's letter to the church and corinth and John's acccount of Jesus clearing the Temple at the start of his public ministry.


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Worship 28 Feb

Worship 28 Feb

Jill leads us in an exploration of the meaning of the cross


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Mulbarton Worship 21 Feb 2021 :

Mulbarton Worship 21 Feb 2021 :

 - Consider the Stars 


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Mulbarton Worship 14 Feb 2021 : Transfiguration

Mulbarton Worship 14 Feb 2021 : Transfiguration

 - a Communion Service led by Adrian Miller


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All Services now online via Zoom

All Services now online via Zoom

 - As a result of the worsening COVID-19 situation, all Services for the foreseeable future will be online using zoom at 10am on Sundays.  We hope that those taking place on February 14 and March 7 will be Holy Communion (again by zoom). 

Zoom Services link  Meeting ID: 993 672 961  Passcode: 123 

For those who don't have internet access it is possible to 'dail in' to the Zoom Meeting on 0330 088 5830.
After dialing 0330 088 5830 be ready to be asked for the Meeting ID, which is  993 672 961 followed by # and then # again (as there's no participant ID), followed by the passcode, which is  123 and then #.


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Worship 7 Feb 2021: The Gospel We Share

Worship 7 Feb 2021: The Gospel We Share


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Mulbarton Worship: 24 January 2021 - A life transformed

Mulbarton Worship: 24 January 2021 - A life transformed

 led by Jill Wright. 

Picture: Caravaggio's 'The Conversion of Saint Paul'


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Epiphany: All Are Called - 17 Jan 2021

Epiphany: All Are Called - 17 Jan 2021

Peter leads us through a helpful exploration of what it means for us all to be called to the service of God.


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Plough Sunday 10 January 2021

Plough Sunday 10 January 2021

 Worship with Holy Communion - recording of live zoom service.


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Mulbarton Worship 3 January 2021

Mulbarton Worship 3 January 2021

 Christmas 2 and Epiphany


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Bracon Ash Christmas Eve Communion 24 Dec 2020

Bracon Ash Christmas Eve Communion 24 Dec 2020


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Christmas Meditative Service

Christmas Meditative Service
Make Room - a meditative service to reflect, rest and make room for Christ. About an hour.
From a recording on Tuesday evening 22 Dec 2020 @ 8pm
Image © : permission granted

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Christingle Service 20 December 2020

Christingle Service 20 December 2020


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Advent 3 Worship 13 Dec 2020

Advent 3 Worship 13 Dec 2020

   Advent Joy

Due to slight technical hitch the start of the service is missing. There are two videos. Please watch the “Recapturing a Magnificat vision of Joy” by Nick Morgan first. The second video is the rest of the service led by Derrick.

Service continues ...


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Mulbarton Worship 06 December 2020

Mulbarton Worship 06 December 2020

: led by Jill Wright “Good News”


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Mulbarton Advent Sunday Worship 29 Oct 2020

Mulbarton Advent Sunday Worship 29 Oct 2020

  led by Cathy Nicholls "The Light shines in the darkness"


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Next Sunday Services...

Next Sunday Services...

For details of services in the next few weeks see Events

  ----  If you intend to go to a service in one of our churches, please contact the relevant churchwarden, if possible, by phoning 571176 and selecting the relevant option - this really helps us to plan ahead.

Masks must to be worn at all services held in church.


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Mulbarton Worship 22 November 2020

Mulbarton Worship 22 November 2020

 led by Derrick Hill :  "The festival of Christ the King"


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Mulbarton Worship 15 November 2020

Mulbarton Worship 15 November 2020

 led by Sam Theobald : "Being expectant people"


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Remembrance Service 8 Nov 2020

Remembrance Service 8 Nov 2020

  Sunday's outdoor act of remembrance Mulbarton.

Photos courtesy of Red Zebra.  (c) Red Zebra photography.

(c) Red Zebra photography (c) Red Zebra photography  (c) Red Zebra photography (c) Red Zebra photography

(c) Red Zebra photography


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Mulbarton Worship 1st November 2020 : All Saints Day

Mulbarton Worship 1st November 2020 : All Saints Day

- led by Derrick Hill


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Mulbarton Worship 18 October 2020 : What actually is the evangel?

Mulbarton Worship 18 October 2020 : What actually is the evangel?

: led by Peter Nicholls –


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Mulbarton Worship 11 October 2020 : God’s perfect wisdom for salvation

Mulbarton Worship 11 October 2020 : God’s perfect wisdom for salvation

 - Led by Derrick Hall


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Mulbarton Worship 04 October 2020 : Giving Thanks for Harvest and Creation

Mulbarton Worship 04 October 2020 : Giving Thanks for Harvest and Creation

 - led by Jill Wright



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Zoom Meetings

Zoom Meetings

We are making use of Zoom technology to continue to meet remotely.  Please do join us at any of the following regular meetings, through this season, using the links and codes below...

You can also join in with Morning Prayer 9:15am-9:45am Monday to Friday:
Meeting ID: 878 150 264  Passcode: 123  

And for Sunday worship:
Meeting ID: 993 672 961  Passcode: 123

You can also join any of these meetings by using your phone, without any need for a computer, tablet or smartphone:

Dial: 0131 460 1196

Meeting ID: 236 542 856 (Tuesday Lent Course)
Meeting ID: 878 150 264 (Morning Prayer)
Meeting ID: 993 672 961 (Sunday Worship)


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Mulbarton Worship - 20 September 2020.

Mulbarton Worship - 20 September 2020.

- Talk by Derek: Labouring for Jesus in ‘our’ Samaria

 - - Note:final song "Hear the Call of the Kingdom" removed from this recording due to artist's performance copyright, Please find a version to listen to elsewhere on Youtube.



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Mulbarton Worship - 13 September 2020.

Mulbarton Worship - 13 September 2020.

- 'Forgiveness' led by Jill Wright


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Bracon Ash Communion 06 September 2020 - Celebrating Harvest

Bracon Ash Communion 06 September 2020 - Celebrating Harvest

 - led by Cathy Nicholls: ‘God Keeps His promises’


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Mulbarton Worship 30 August 2020 : ‘Aidan’

Mulbarton Worship 30 August 2020 : ‘Aidan’

Morning worship with talk on 'Aidan' by Derek.


Aidan's Prayer -

Leave me alone with God as much as may be.
As the tide draws the waters close in upon the shore,
make me an island, set apart, alone with You, God,
holy to You.

Then with the turning of the tide,
prepare me to carry Your presence
to the busy world beyond,
the world that rushes in on me,
till the waters come again and fold me back to You.



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Mulbarton Worship 23 August 2020 : "Living Sacrifice"

Mulbarton Worship 23 August 2020 : "Living Sacrifice"

Sunday morning worship led by Bev, with Talk "Living Sacrifice" by Sam Theobald


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Abuse & The Virus - Guest Blog by Natalie Collins

Abuse & The Virus - Guest Blog by Natalie Collins

Thanks to Natalie Colline for this excellent guest blog...

One of the most challenging things about domestic violence is that rarely does the person who is being subjected to abuse realise that they are being abused.  A victim is one of those women, the shrivelled up ones who (according to most stock images) cowering in a corner with a bruised face.  And their partner isn’t one of those men.  He’s a good guy really.  He doesn’t mean it.  It’s only because of all the stress and he had a really bad childhood and he loves me and soon things will get back to how they used to be.  To take the step of acknowledging that our partner is abusive is a huge thing.  Once it’s not “me overreacting”, “his difficult childhood”, “the way I push him to the edge”, “how passionate he is”, “only that one time when he left me bruised”, once we label it ABUSE, everything changes.  Nothing can go on as normal.  We have to take action.  We have to accept that our relationship must end and that our children will lose their father and nothing will ever be the same again.  And that’s before we begin to reckon with all the ways his behaviour will escalate if we try to leave.  Around 80% of men who kill women, do so within eighteen months of her leaving him.


Men are more abusive over Christmas.  Often people think it’s because of the stress, the money worries and the increased alcohol consumption.  But that’s not why.  It’s because an abuser deliberately destroys whatever is precious to his partner and children.  He destroys birthday celebrations and anniversaries.  Some abusers destroy every family mealtime, leaving their children with eating disorders because their father (or step father) has thrown food, screamed at their mother, or gone into that silent sulk which they all know ends in him being violent.  The other reason abusers are worse at Christmas is because there is greater opportunity to abuse.  Most people get time off over Christmas, and the abuser will use those extra hours to demand he get whatever he wants.  And because it’s Christmas, his partner will acquiesce, because she wants to make it special for the kids; because where would she go on Christmas Day when he’s kicked the Christmas tree over?  On Christmas Eve he pushes her to do sexual stuff she doesn’t like, but he promises her that if she does what he wants, he’ll make Christmas nice.  So she does what he wants.  Then on Christmas Day she asks him to help with the dinner and he kicks off and blames her for ruining Christmas.  And she just wishes that she’d not asked for help, he was tired after all.


You may be wondering why I’m writing about Christmas when we’re dealing with a global pandemic…  It’s because this crisis, and the self-isolation and physical distancing caused by it, creates the similar context as living with an abuser at Christmas, but about a million times worse.


He’s now at home 24/7, not just for three days.  He uses his need to work from home to demand that everyone in the home stays silent all day.  If his partner can’t keep their three-year-old silent; he screams, punches walls or makes threats that she’s knows he’ll carry out later.  He’s always hated her speaking on the phone with her friends or family and normally she waits until he’s out of the house to call them, because he’ll tut or huff and puff throughout the phone call.  Now she can’t speak to her anyone.  And then he says he’s started with a temperature and they all need to stay in for fourteen days.  She hasn’t seen any evidence he’s got a temperature, but she daren’t question him as she knows he’ll hurt her, or worse, take out his outrage at her insolence on the kids.


And she can’t leave now.  He’s there all the time.  She’d thought about it before, was just waiting for the right time.  But now the kids are off school and don’t have any stability and so she can’t move into a refuge.  And anyway, she’ll be exposing her asthmatic seven-year-old to the virus.  She keeps trying to make everything nice for them all, exhausting herself to make things nice.  He always leads her to believe that she can “make” him nice, if she only plays by his rules.  But then he changes them, or the kids needs something that means she has to break them.  Her job say she can’t have time off as she’s a carer.  But she knows he won’t look after them properly.  He’ll undermine her and play fight with them until they cry and then when she gets home, he’ll keep her up until 4am in the morning interrogating her about which male co-workers she interacted with, accusing her of having an affair.  She says she can’t go into work and her line manager is horrified at her lack of commitment in this crisis and fires her right there and then.  She daren’t cry, because he’ll mock and deride her for it.  She dreads Sunday, when he’ll demand that she and the children participate in the online streamed church service that he’s been planning, the one that was so important all of them had to be silent for three days straight.  Afterwards, he whispers to her that he’s never punched her in the face because people might see it, but now things are different.  She’s his and he’ll do what he wants to her.


Specialist domestic abuse services are working around the clock to make their provision effective for women during this epidemic, but due to ideologically driven cuts, they’ve already been stripped back, defunded and de-specialised.  For each of us, there’s not a lot we can do to make a difference while also social distancing and self-isolating.  Abusers are making choices to isolate, control, abuse and harm their partners and children, and the only people who can stop abuse are those who choose to be abusive.  But it’s important that we understand what abuse is, what the dynamics are, and how this virus is going to hugely increase women’s vulnerability.  It’s crucial that we don’t perpetuate myths about abuse; it’s not the stress or financial difficulties caused by the virus that is increasing perpetration, it’s about increased opportunity.  Women who don’t leave abusers are not stupid or wrong; they are doing everything they can to keep themselves and their children safe.  Abusers deliberately act in ways that prevent their partner making sense of what is going on or being able to articulate it as abuse; so doing announcements about “if you’re being abused we can help you” is not really going to reach that many of the people who need support.


What can we do as we continue into this unknown place?


  1. Contact your local domestic abuse and ask them how you can help; do they need financial support, donations, volunteers to drive/move/clean?
  2. Educate yourself about domestic abuse (my book can help with that).
  3. Be aware that if someone is being abused, their online interactions may be tracked.
  4. Notice who isn’t able to engage with your community; who isn’t on Facebook/Twitter/Whatsapp, and see if there’s a way to check in with them some other way.
  5. Facebook is particularly risky for those who have left an ex-partner, because it is very easy for him to find her. Ensure you have an additional option other than Facebook for engaging with those in your community.
  6. If you hear violence or noise from a neighbour’s home, call the police (use 999 if you are concerned it is an emergency).
  7. Be vigilant. Are there people in your family or friendship group, amongst your colleagues, church community or neighbourhood who are acting differently, whose communications have gone down dramatically or who seem withdrawn or different.  Try to make regular contact with them.
  8. Be aware. When you do your shopping, are there women and children who seem overly subdued, or is there a man behaving in domineering ways (abusive men will be emboldened in a context where they have so much uninterrupted space to abuse, and this may be visible in the brief encounters we have with people).
  9. Trust women. If someone tells you something that sounds abusive, if they talk about feeling suffocated by their partner, if they say they feel scared or need help to leave, believe them straight away.  Whatever they tell you will be the tip of a very horrific iceberg.


If you identify with the abusive behaviour detailed in this post, it may have shocked you to become aware that what is being done to you (or what you are doing to someone else) is abusive.

If you are recognising that what is being done to you is wrong and if it is safe to do so, here are some places that can help:


If you are concerned about your behaviour towards a partner, you can contact the Respect perpetrator helpline: (0808 802 4040).


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Coronavirus News - Updated Thu 26 March

Coronavirus News - Updated Thu 26 March
Thu 26 March
The churches are now closed to the public, and even to the vicar!  But we are still active about the business that matters.  Today, requests for help have begun to really flow, and it's been great to pair needs with keen volunteers in Mulbarton.  Today, I've been able to match up half a dozen or more.  At the moment, I have more volunteers on my list than people asking for help, but it's feeling like that may change soon.  There are a lot more homes where people need help, especially for the over 70s, who should not be going to the shops themselves.
Please do let me know if you can offer to help with shopping or collecting prescriptions for those in the vulnerable category.  For those volunteering, I need your name, the street where you live, your phone number, and whether you use WhatsApp or FB messenger, and would be willing to join a group.
I am trying to pair volunteers with those in need, so people can build a relationship over these weeks/months, and to share the load as much as possible - but I'd also like to have a WhatsApp or FB group (or both) for volunteers, where we can all call for emergency help, cover each other, or just encourage one another.
Also, check out our Facebook page, for some Italian-style encouragement, and please do read the item on the website from our guest blogger, Natalie, which describes what is really happening for some people, being subjected to abuse, in this time of confinement.  Something I wish everyone would read and be sensitive about.
And, finally, some helpful guidance on mental health and wellbeing and COVID-19 from the Church of England.


Tue 24 March
These are new days of joining others in our community, of all faiths and none, to serve anyone in need.  The archbishops are encouraging churches to adapt, and do things differently, so here are some of the things we are doing  across the four parishes to contribute to the kind and generous efforts of so many in our communities:
 · Helping co-ordinate neighbourhood assistance, to enable vulnerable to receive supplies, without fear of exploitation—offers of help welcome!
· Providing a safe space for those needing to escape a difficult domestic situation
· Signposting to Riches Trust and other small trust funds that can provide financial help
· Co-ordinating local efforts to feed the hungry in emergency need, including weekly donations to Norwich Foodbank—donations welcome!
· Providing spiritual support and community for the isolated via phone calls, messages and live streaming Sunday worship, prayer, Bible study and chat meetings
· Connecting community leaders, to share ideas, information, resources and encouragement and to ask questions
· Liaising with South Norfolk Help Hub, our local Community Connector, and parishioners and families, to ensure specialist services continue for people who need them
· Offering funerals as normal, but with strict minimal numbers present
· Praying daily, and chiming Mulbarton church bell as allowed, as a sign of solidarity and offer of hope - but only when I'm allowed in, which currently is NOT the case!
· Following guidelines, keeping safe & being kind!

Our vision to be a community of people who are following Jesus, and sharing life’s journey with our neighbours, is undaunted.
*If you need anything mentioned here, please contact me in the first instance, or check website for the latest:
Rev Adrian Miller 01508 571167 (links to Facebook & YouTube from website)
 For urgent specialist help, please contact South Norfolk Council Help Hub 01508 533933


Sat 21 March
As you know church services are suspended in this season of social distancing.  For that reason, tomorrow morning, we'll be trying something new.  If you'd like to join the live stream, simply click the link below, and enter the Meeting ID.  We'll get going at about 10am, but you'll be able to join before or after.  Everything will be recorded, and made available on the church website, Facebook Page and YouTube channel, so you can always catch up later.

This is a first, so we may discover gremlins together, but I think we'll be OK!  You can join in on PC, laptop, tablet or phone.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 993 672 961

If like me, you do decide to go for a couple of laps stroll around the Common tomorrow morning after the live stream, please do make sure you keep plenty of distance between yourself and others.  The distancing measures are designed to save lives.


Fri 20 March

Church Services are suspended until further notice, but worship will continue.  I'll be saying prayers this Sunday morning, there will be something live streamed at 10am, and at 11am, I'll be going for a stroll in the village, keeping at least 2 metres away from everybody.  If I see you out and about then, I'll give a wave and shout hello from a distance!
PCC meetings are now suspended and annual meetings will be postponed.  Pretty much nothing left in my diary now, except for non-contact pastoral work, prayer, planning and ctaching up with preparing for a Zoom-filled ministry!
For those who give regularly in the offering plate at church, please do consider setting up a standing order.
Work is in progress to connect leaders within the community, to share ideas, resources and information, and to ensure vulnerable parishioners are kept safe.
*** Please do not let anyone you don't know and trust into your home, and do not give them cash, card or PINs.  Some people locally have been scammed by unscrupulous people, posing as philanthropists.  ***
If you know of anyone in need in the parishes or would like to offer help, please do get in touch.  If you have food or supplies to offer, please do bring to church.  If you desperately and urgently require supplies, please come to the Rectory to enquire.  Food offered in Mulbarton will be available to parishioners.  Any surplus stock will be regularly taken to Norwich Foodbank, who are in need.
If you need a safe place to escape to, please come to the Rectory.  All bookings at Harvest House have been cancelled, so that is now available for me to use at my discretion as a safe house in the village.  Please do spread that news.  For many this could be a much-needed lifeline.
While this is a challenging time for everyone, for those who live with an abuser, being stuck full-time in the home is an absolute nightmare. It is likely that many abusers will take advantage of the virus measures to further isolate and hurt their partner and children. There is no longer the refuge of schools or extra groups to provide respite from the terror and violence a parent, carer or other family member may be subjecting them to. If your income is stable and you are able to, please do also consider donating to Leeways, as they will be really struggling with demand at this time.


Wed 18 March
Neighbour help postcards available at back of church - open daylight hours - please help yourself, write your phone number on and let me know which streets you've delivered to - so encouraging to see such good community spirit.
For those without relevant safeguarding checks, please don't enter people's homes. If you're picking up shopping or prescriptions, best practice is to pay up-front, leave the receipt when you deliver the shopping and come back the next day to collect payment by cheque. For safety, avoid cash.
For those receiving shopping or prescriptions, please don't pay by card or cash, and don't reveal your card's PIN to anyone.
Fabulous that so many are wanting to help, but let's make sure we're all protected and safe, and not adopt a system that anybody unscrupulous could use to exploit the vulnerable.


Mon 16 March

The Church of England is going to update their guidance in response to the latest government guidance about cancelling unnecessary social gatherings very soon.
Things are going to change in the coming weeks and months, and as the normal structures for conducting ministry cease, we will be re-directing our energies on doing all we can to support the most vulnerable in our communities.
I'll post again as soon as we hear what comes from national church leadership, and after I've consulted churchwardens across the benefice.
Please note, coffee and prayer tomorrow morning, Tuesday 17th, will NOT be happening.


Fri 13 March

We are now in a serious pandemic situation, which is new ground for most of us.  What I have been doing, and will continue to do, is to monitor the advice given by government and church and make sure we're doing our utmost to follow that advice.

There are some things we have been advised to suspend, including Messy Church and Open the Book collective worship at school.  Mulbarton Mardlers is also suspended for the time being, given the church advice is to suspend catering, and given the clientele are the most at risk.

The advice is that church services should NOT be suspended, but that various measures are taken to ensure they are as safe as can be.  You will notice these being adopted this Sunday.  These include:

  • Asking people to wash hands as they come into church.  Washing hands can be done using alcohol sanitiser or with soap and water for 20 seconds minimum.  Try as I might, I have not been able to source hand sanitiser.  If you have your own, please do bring it to the church service with you, and apply it as you enter.  Where we don't have running water, we will make arrangements for hand-washing to be available, using flasks and individual paper towels.  If you are coming to Mulbarton's 10am, you might want to call in at Harvest House to wash hands first.
  • Distribution of bread only at Communion while standing - no common cup and no kneeling at the rail
  • No shaking hands, laying on of hands or oils, and no sharing a sign of peace
  • No passing around of collection plates or bags - plate at back of church to receive the offering - please feel free to place your offering in the plate on entering the building
  • Suspending coffee and biscuits where multiple people touch mugs, utensils and foodstuffs.  This Sunday, there will be refreshments served at Harvest House, but not self-service, and ensuring careful hand hygiene for those in the kitchen and using paper cups, which you can place directly in the bin after use.  Similar measures will be in place in Bracon Ash.  Churchwardens of the benefice are meeting me on Tuesday, and we'll decide then longer term plans for serving refreshments.
  • Door handles regularly cleaned.
If you have a high temperature or persistent cough, please seek and follow the latest NHS advice.

If you do need to self-isolate, we've been advised not to visit you in person, but we will ensure we are regularly in touch on the phone or by messaging, so please do let us know.

Praying for God's blessing, protection and peace for us all in this anxiety-inducing season.

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Messy Church - Easter 2019

Messy Church - Easter 2019

Messy Church met again on Maundy Thursday at Mulbarton Primary School.

We were exploring the  theme:  Why do bad things happen to people, and how can I help?

We used the Easter Story to do this having another set of very creative crafts:  donkey making; a collage of the tomb and crosses; sowing a seed and making a palm (handshape/leaf) to put in the pot until the seed germinates.  We also had a sensory table with opportunities for children to talk about things that worried or concerned them and Carl Bradley from CB Drama did some work with the children acting out different emotions.

A group of children and some adults then prepared to act out the story with costumes as two readers narrated the story, which Adrian then talked about in relation to the theme, before a song, prayer and lunch together.  It was as always the creativity and hard work of a big team of people, so thank you to all those who took part.

We were able to welcome some new faces as well as welcome back those who have been with us from the beginning.


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Lent Course 2019: The Prophetic Voice of India

Lent Course 2019: The Prophetic Voice of India

This year's Lent Course runs on Wednesday evenings, from 13th March to 10th April.  We meet in the Lounge at Hanover at 7.30pm, and will finish by 9.15pm.

The United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel has produced a free booklet that we'll be using, in we which we listen to and reflect upon the prophetic voice from India. Each evening will consider a different theme.

The five-week study course looks at the radical nature of the gospel, with a special focus on the church in India.

"We might think the prophetic voice belongs to the Old Testament, but we want to show there are still many prophets to be found throughout the world church today.

"The prophets’ voices are challenging because they alert us to issues we might want to ignore - they call us to be like Jesus, who stood on the margins, comforting the oppressed and challenging those who are comfortable."

Study 1: Community – inspiring congregations to be dynamic in mission.
Study 2: Injustice – taking action to combat human trafficking.
Study 3: Gender – a skills training programme is giving women a new lease of life.
Study 4: Climate – schools are inspiring a new generation to care for the environment.
Study 5: Hope – giving hope to India’s marginalised Dalit and tribal peoples.

See more details of the course here



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Emotionally Healthy Discipleship

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship

Love God and love others.  Sounds simple enough.  How hard can it be?  We know it's the way of life that Jesus introduced to the world.  It sounds good.  I've not met a Christian who disagrees with the sentiment.  And yet, in practice, it doesn't always work out the way we imagine.  Just how do we do it?

Do we just make a decision, pray a one-line prayer, and we're good to go?

Or do we actually need to invest time and effort and learn new disciplines in order to cultivate a real life of devotion - of living in the Father's love and knowing Jesus?  And if, like me, you realise that this is something that doesn't just come automatically, how do we do it effectively?

The reality is that many professing Christians remain too long in the shallows of divine love, and rarely experience the depths that God offers.  There are unvisited emotions, locked away under the surface of our lives.  There are unrecognised and ungrieved losses that we've experienced.  There are unresolved issues and unprocessed conditioning from our past that tie us to old unredeemed ways.  There are pressures and expectations, lifestyle patterns and choices, that keep us from the sustaining rhythms and rules of love and devotion.

When we slow down and take the time to face these things and explore them, like many before us, we can find lasting transformation that connects us with the love of God and new ways of living and being.

Peter Scazzero was a leader of a church in New York, which appeared to be flourishing.  He was doing all the things that looked good, and earned admiration from certain sectors of the church - but the reality was that he was too stressed and busy to properly attend to his family, his own soul or his life with God.  After a crunch time came, he took 4 months out of ministry and learnt some really important things about emotional health, which utterly transformed the church, and has since developed into the discipleship course, which we are preparing to look at over Lent next year.

I'm still really enthused about this, but for various reasons, have realised that we need to postpone the course until next year.  In the meantime, I'll be running a course in Autumn 2019 for those who will be leading the course in 2020. If you're interested in helping lead it, please get in touch.  It is the sort of thing that will work much better if there's a group of people who have already deeply engaged with the material and are able to lead by example and inspiration. This is about discipleship that actually changes lives,so it takes investment and preparation.

I'm really looking forward to sharing this journey with others in our group of villages.  Before Lent 2020, anybody can get hold of the books and begin to take the journey right now.

This Lent, instead, we'll run a 5-week course, from 13 March, Wednesday evenings, looking at the prophetic voice from India.


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Puzzling Questions

Puzzling Questions

Conversation evenings on the six highest voted puzzling questions of life:

  1. Who am I?
  2. What is God like?
  3. What happens after I die?
  4. How can I be happy?
  5. Why is there suffering in the world?
  6. What is the spiritual world, and how does it impact my life?

Peter and Cathy Nicholls will be leading conversations at their home in Hethel every Monday night, starting Monday 28 January, spending an evening on each of these 6 puzzling questions.  An opportunity to explore some of life's deeper issues.

All are welcome.


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The super glue of life

The super glue of life

So, Christmas is a distant memory now, there are signs of spring around us already, and life is zooming by.  We're into the special season of Lent, early this year, and Easter is fast approaching.

This year Ash Wednesday the day Lent begins, fell on Valentine's Day for the first time since 1945 (though it will happen twice more in the next 11 years).  It made an interesting juxtaposition of celebrating romantic love on the one hand and on the other hand beginning to engage with a season of serious reflection and penitence.  And yet it wasn't entirely unfitting.

As many of us gathered at Bracon Ash Church on Ash Wednesday, it was a privilege for me to make the sign of the cross on people's foreheads with ash, as a sign that we were each wanting to accept all that the cross of Jesus has secured for us, and to live our lives more fully and deeply in its light.  The cross reminds us of the depths of the love of God, and so fitting after all for Valentine's Day.  This kind of self-sacrificial love is what motivates us to pursue change in our lives through this penitential season.

On Ash Wednesday , we considered the journey of the Pharisees from Jerusalam to Galilee in search of Jesus.  They had heard about this new teacher and miracle-maker, and wanted to see for themselves.  There was no hint that they were against him at this stage - just really wanting to find out more. They arrived, observed what was happening and had questions, which they put to Jesus.  We too might be approaching Jesus this Lent with questions about what we see around us, about God, the Bible, church.  What those Pharisees didn't anticipate is that Jesus immediately saw right to the heart of the real issues that mattered for them, and he challenged them very strongly about what they were missing, with questions of his own.  It was a surprisingly penetrating and uncomfortable encounter for those unsuspecting Pharisees, who were faced with having to make a decision to change or to resist.  As we truly approach Jesus ourselves, it is possible that we too might discover a need for change.

As you observe this season, by giving something up, taking something on, saying extra prayers, attending one of our mid-week groups, or whatever, I'm praying that you will truly encounter the God who sees, who knows and who helps us to change.  This is a time when we are mindful of the things we all say, think and do that hurt others and hurt God.  It's a time when we may well feel the need to say “I'm sorry.”

In any healthy relationship, those two words are important.  They  are  also  two  words  which  can  cause  healing,  build bridges  and  enable  relationships  to  be  repaired  within communities as well as between individuals.   They are two powerful words which, when truly meant, are never easy to say, but are essential if relationships are to move forward.

As Christians, we also believe that when we speak those two words, God always responds with forgiveness.

“An apology is the super glue of life.  It can repair just about anything.”  Lynn Johnston


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Approaching Jesus... this Lent

Approaching Jesus... this Lent

February is the month that Lent begins.  We are planning plenty to nourish you in spirit through the season of Lent and Holy Week across the benefice.  I do hope and pray that as you tap into some of what is available, that as you approach Jesus for yourself, you will truly encounter Him afresh, in a way that is life-giving and sustaining.  May you find joy in the journey!

Each parish church will have a special service as we progress through Lent: 

  • We begin Lent with our Ash Wednesday Communion Service at Bracon Ash on 14 February. 
  • Then as Lent ends, in Holy Week:
    • on Wednesday, 28 March, Flordon will host a (new for us) Tenebrae Service, otherwise known as  a "Service of Shadows";
    • Mulbarton will host a Maundy Thursday Evening Communion on 29 March;
    • and then on Good Friday, 30 March, the Good Friday Walk through Mulbarton in the morning,
    • and the Good Friday Meditative Service in Hethel in the afternoon. 
    • In addition, there will be extra times of prayer and reflection through Holy Week, and a couple of outings arranged to the cathedral.

In between the Ash Wednesday Service on 14 February and the Tenebrae Service on 28 March, we will follow the Lent readings on Sundays, and mid-week, we will be looking at a series entitled "Approaching Jesus".   

We will learn from the ways Jesus shared the journey with a number of different people.  People, who approached him at different times and places, as recorded in Matthew's gospel. These practical and personal six studies combine honesty with humour in order to take you through the 40 days of Lent.

These six fascinating studies are sure to give us lots of stimulating and enriching food for thought, and lead us closer to our Lord.  The six sessions are:

Session 1:       The Pharisee: A Passion for Purity

Session 2:       A Father: A Persistent Prayer
Session 3:       Peter: A Question of Forgiveness
Session 4:       A Rich Man and a Generous Woman
Session 5:       Judas: A Hidden Agenda
Session 6:       Mary & Martha: A Restoration Project

I'll draw from the first of the six studies at the Ash Wednesday Service, and the remaining five studies will be the focus of small groups through Lent.  You can key into a group on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday evenings:

  • Mondays: 19 February, and 5, 12, 19 & 26 March, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m., led by Jill Wright, meeting at 22 Birchfield Gardens
  • Tuesdays: 20 February - 20 March, 7:30-9:30pm, led by Fran Kittle, meeting at Willow Farm, Silfield Road, Wymondham
  • Wednesdays: 7:30 - 9:30 p.m., led by Adrian, Peter & Cathy: 21 Feb - Church View, The Common; 28 Feb - King John's Thorn, Hethel; 7 March - Hethel Hall Cottage, Hall Road, Hethel; 14 March - Church View, The Common, Mulbarton; 21 March - King John's Thorn, Hethel
  • Also on Wednesdays, 7:45-10pm, led by Tom & Becky Taylor, meeting at 69 Orchard Way, Wymondham

A study book will be available for the Lent Course, from any of the group leaders, at a discounted price of £4.50


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Diocesan Lent Appeal

Diocesan Lent Appeal

The Bishop's Lent Appeal 2018 is focused on enabling local mission in Simbai, Papua New Guinea. In this remote community the church building is the hub of village life.

Your gift will:

  • help to develop a larger church building;
  • facilitate new mission initiatives with the young people of this scattered community; and
  • support people, such as giving Lynn and Tony Fry periodic Retreat and Refreshment breaks

For further details and to donate, click here.


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Christmas for Children

Christmas for Children

Lots of exciting things coming up for children over the festive season...

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

 Christingle, Pre-School, Carols and Fayres


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The Magazine

The Magazine

Do you read The Magazine? I don't mean our benefice Mardle, nor even Mulbarton Parish News (often referred to as 'the magazine'). I mean The Magazine, produced by the Diocese of Norwich. It used to be quite boring: lists of vicars, died or moving; what other parishes have done/will be doing..... But not any longer - it is a good read with helpful articles on a bi-monthly theme. Last autumn's on Mental Health raised lots of issues; Nov/Dec was challenging - on being a Christian at work; and the current one, Jan/Feb is about the Bible and Bible Study. Very appropriate for Lent! 

Copies are normally available at the back of church - in that corner you forget to go to 'cos you are chatting as you go out..... Have a look, pick one up, read it, pass it on.... And if they go too quickly and you can't find one, have a word with Caroline and she can order more each time. After all, we pay for them as part of our Parish Share!

But I really do recommend everyone takes one and dips into it: The Magazine is a really useful and helpful Christian magazine.


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New Eco-Friendly Heating

New Eco-Friendly Heating

Hethel Church has been granted their faculty to install air-source heat pumps to heat the air in church.  Praise the Lord!  And many thanks to Peter's sterling efforts to do some ground-breaking research, and spear-head the project.  Hethel also secured a £4,500 grant from British Airways Carbon Fund towards the project. 

Mulbarton Church has its application in as I write, and we will know the outcome by the middle of February.  All bodies have made their views known now and we have had a chance to respond.  South Norfolk have given planning permission.  The DAC have given a certificate of recommendation.  Public notices have had their time.  We are just waiting for the Chancellor to give the final go-ahead, and for the BA Carbon Fund to decide on whether it will award Mulbarton £4,500 as well.  Please pray that there will be no further spanners in the works, that all the funds will be there for both projects and that the work will be able to proceed without a hitch.


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Mulbarton Mardlers - First Birthday!

Mulbarton Mardlers - First Birthday!

There are usually 35-40 each 4th Tuesday of every month in the Social Club 2:30 – 4:30p.m. On 16 December our Christmas party in the Village Hall brought around 70 together, including friends and families, and a good time was had by all!

If you know anyone who is on their own and may enjoy an afternoon out please take an invite from the back of church, Caroline’s office, or see Sue Mellows. The current invites cover January through to April. Transport is available if needed.

We would always welcome volunteers to drive or to come to chat to visitors during the afternoon.  You do not need to commit to being available every month.  If you are interested in helping in any way just speak to Sue or simply pop in to see us one Tuesday afternoon.

Thanks for the faithful band of bakers who provide us with goodies. Added with those that Angie from the Social club provides, we have a wonderful spread each time!

February’s Mardlers will be on Tuesday 27th.  And looking forward to March, we will be having a small celebration for Easter, also on Tuesday 27th, but 2:30 – 5:00 p.m., when the Social Club will also be running some games of bingo.    


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Swap Shop Report

Swap Shop Report

Our January Swap Shop at Harvest House was the third one we've run, where we invite people to come with up to 3 items and swap them.  There is also free drinks and cake, and a chance to meet others.  Donations in the pot all go to a local charity chosen at random from those nominated by people who come.

On 13 Jan 2018, about 30 people came along, over 50 items were swapped, and £24 was raised for Mulbarton Cubs.  There was a great atmosphere through the afternoon, as visitors had a lot of fun with the swapping - and there were some really high quality items that changed hands.  Thanks to those who baked delicious cakes for it, those who helped serve in the kitchen, and to Sarah for organising.

Do look out for the next one later this year - 28th April!


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Journeying with Joy?

Journeying with Joy?

Having preached through all of our 6 values, I think I’ve been most struck with this one about joy.  We value finding joy in the journey, but the reality is that for many of us joy is often elusive.  What can we learn and how can we experience more joy in our own journeys?

The Bible talks an awful lot about joy, and describes many sources of joy: good news, harmonious families, justice, wisdom, the presence of God, and much else.  There’s also a deeper level in which we seem to be encouraged to carry joy with us even when our circumstances seem against us.

Joy: The Gift

In Romans 15, we see that that real joy is a gift from God. Paul was following Jesus, praying confidently for the church, that Jew and Gentile alike would be filled with joy and peace.  Jewish and Gentile followers of Jesus have had some bitter disagreements

and strained relationships over the years.  Paul was at pains to have them accept one another, just as Christ accepted them both.  He was imploring them to follow Jesus’ example.  And Paul knew that the way they would be transformed in their relationships with each other was by this experience of the God of hope, filling them with joy and peace, by the power of the Holy Spirit.  There may be lessons from that today where relationships are strained. God wants joy for us, He is prepared to give it, and it makes a huge difference, not only to us personally and individually, but corporately – it overflows to others.

Joy: The Choice

So joy is a gift from God that we seek after.  And yet the other side of the coin is that joy is also something we choose.  We see both Jesus (e.g. Luke 10) and Paul (e.g. Phil. 4) telling us to choose to rejoice, and especially to rejoice in the Lord and in what He’s done for us.  Sometimes, we can’t help it – the joy just bubbles us, but sometimes it requires an active decision from us.

Joy: Sharing Life

The disciples experienced their biggest joy, described in Luke 10, when they were out sharing life with their communities, according to the strategy Jesus had given them, and because it was appropriate and sensitive to their context, it was working.  And when Paul reflected on joy in 1 Thess. 2:17-19, he recognised that it was the people themselves with whom he had been able to share life that were his joy.

So, receive the gift, make the choice, share life, and I pray that we will all find more and more joy in the journey.


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