Regular Sunday Service Pattern - NB Specific Sundays often differ!

Click on 'Coming Up' or 'Current Timetable' above for trustworthy times of actual services

1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday 5th Sunday
Mulbarton 10:00 All Age Worship (Mulbarton Church & YouTube) 10:00 Morning Worship (Mulbarton Church & YouTube) 10:00 Communion (Mulbarton Church & YouTube) 10:30 Church at Hanover (Main Hall, Hanover Gardens)

18:00 Together (Harvest House at 6pm then Church at 7pm)
10:00 Meditative Service (Mulbarton Church & YouTube)
Bracon Ash and Hethel 09:00 Morning Prayer (St. Nicholas, Bracon Ash) 08:30 BCP Communion (All Saints, Hethel) 09:00 Communion (St. Nicholas, Bracon Ash)
Flordon 18:30 BCP Evening Prayer (St. Michael's, Flordon)

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