Diary Dates Coming Up

Date Place Event
Thu 18th, 9:15am - 10am Harvest House, The Common, Mulbarton, NR14 8JS Morning Prayer
Sun 21st, 10:30am - 4:30pm Tickets, maps and refreshments available from Harvest House 10.30am –4.30pm. MALGA Mulbarton Open Gardens
Tue 23rd, 2pm - 4pm Mulbarton Village Hall Mardlers
Thu 25th, 10:30am - 11:15am St. Michael's, Flordon BCP Communion - Adrian
Sun 28th, 2pm - 5pm Hethel Church (All Saints, Hethel), Church Lane, NR14 8HE Hethel Cream Teas
Tue 6th, 2:30pm - 4:30pm Bracon Ash Village Hall Teapot Tuesday

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