Adrian profile

Rev Adrian Miller (he/him)

Adrian has been serving the parishes of Mulbarton, Bracon Ash, Hethel and Flordon since Februrary 2014, and has seen lots of changes over his time here.  Before that, he was a team vicar in the Tas Valley Team Ministry, where he also served as assistant curate, after training at St John's College, Nottingham.

Adrian's normal 'day off' is Friday. Unless in an emergency, please avoid contacting him on his day off.

The Rectory
The Common
NR14 8JS
01508 571167
Cathy profile

Rev Cathy Nicholls

Church Lane
NR14 8JS
Jill profile

Jill Wright

Born in N London; sent to a Baptist Sunday School to give my parents and brother some Sunday afternoon peace. Became aware that God is real, personal, approachable in prayer and cares for me through a school Christian group started by our Geography teacher, and committed my life to the Lord when I was 14.

Studied geography at London University; taught Geography at to high school pupils and college of education students; married a geographer, traveled the world together and wrote books about it to enthuse children. Raised 2 children who have inherited the travel bug!

Whilst nursing my husband through 3 years of cancer treatment took certificate courses with St John's College, Nottingham and a Diploma in Theology with the Open Theological College.

Still love teaching and travel + family and local history.

Peter profile

Peter Nicholls

01508 570557
Heather profile

Heather Wells

Heather volunteers her time to assist with administrating weddings, funerals, memorials and baptisms.

Website profile

Website Editor

David Melling is editor of the website. Please email any content updates or queries or suggested site improvements to him at Thank you. 


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