Wed, 11 Dec, 2024, 7pm @ St Michael's Community Centre, Flordon
Flordon Film Club will be screening Swede Caroline (15) in St. Michael's Community Centre Wednesday 11th December. The doors open at 7.00pm and the film starts at 7.45.
An hilarious mockumentary which follows Caroline, a competitive giant vegetable grower, as she readies herself for the big annual National Veg Championship. When her prized marrow, named Ricky Hutton, is stolen, Caroline and her fellow growers, conspiracy theorist Paul (Richard Lumsden) and affable Willy (Celyn Jones), are led into a seedy world of crime as they attempt to find the culprit.
“Sitting somewhere between Hot Fuzz and Sightseers in terms of its tone, Swede Caroline is a ridiculously fun romp from the outset. Complete with a highly stylised and dramatic opening title sequence, which parodies those of Netflix true crime documentaries, the filmmakers nail the balance between mundanity and absurdity. This makes for many genuinely funny moments throughout the film, with one of the best seeing mayhem erupt after the trio attempt to stealthily observe an allotment.” The Upcoming
“The film is gloriously silly, with the three reliably retaining their composure as they uncover the truth behind Caroline’s tragic vegetable loss.”
This is our Christmas meeting so come early for free mince pies, sausage rolls and mulled wine!
Tickets are £5 each at the door. Annual membership is now also due at £10. To book or for more information about the club please contact David Harrison on 470118 or
Wed, 9 Oct, 2024, 7pm @ St Michael's Community Centre, Flordon
Flordon Film Club will be screening TEACHER's LOUNGE in St. Michael's Community Centre Wednesday 10th October. The doors open at 7.00pm and the film starts at 7.45.
Carla Nowak (Leonie Benesch) is a new arrival on the staff of a middle school in Germany, her commitment and optimism still unblunted. When the suspicion for a spate of thefts falls on a particular boy, based on little more than his skin colour, she acts to exonerate him, capturing, through dubious means, evidence that seems to implicate a fellow member of staff. But the accused teacher, single mother of Oskar (Leo Stettnisch), another child in Carla’s class, doggedly protests her innocence.
“A gripping poignant drama fronted by a staggeringly good performance from Benesch.” The Upcoming “A fine exercise in restrained but mounting tension.” Variety “Benesch is superb.” The Guardian Watch the trailer at
Tickets are £5 each at the door. Annual membership is now also due at £10. To book or for more information about the club please contact David Harrison on 470118 or
The next meeting after this will be on Wednesday 11 December. The film has yet to be chosen.
Wed, 20 Dec, 2023, 7pm @ St Michael's Community Centre, Flordon
Flordon Film Club will be screening THE OLD OAK in St. Michael's Community Centre Wednesday 20th December, with free mulled wine and mince pies! The doors open at 7.00pm and the film starts at 7.45.
This is Ken Loach’s latest film (and some would say one of his best), which has the contemporary theme of refugees. “A lot could be said about The Old Oak’s beautiful cinematography, excellent acting, and marvellous directing, all of which make this story come to life, but what really stands out the most in the film is the humanity that shines throughout. It is a beautiful reminder of what a community is and can be, regardless of country of origin, religion, or skin colour.”(Loud and Clear Reviews)
Tickets are £5 each, and annual membership which is now due also is £5. To book or for more information about the club please contact David on 470118 or
Please note: In 2024 meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of the month, and so the following meeting will be on Wednesday 14 February. The film has yet to be chosen.
Tue, 19 Dec, 2023, 6:30pm @ Meet Outside Flordon Phone Box and then refreshments in Church
Come join in carol singing in the community to raise funds for charity. Meet at 6:30pm outside the phone box in Flordon. Mulled wine and mince pies served at Flordon Church after singing round homes.
Tue, 28 Nov, 2023, 2pm - 4pm @ Mulbarton Village Hall
Mardlers is an afternoon of tea and chat and an opportunity to meet others. It’s held at the Social Club, Mulbarton Village Hall on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 2 - 4.00pm
Transport can be provided if needed. Please come, or speak to Sue Mellows (07936 703124) or Tracey Salisbury (01508 578068) for more information.
Tue, 31 Oct, 2023, 2pm - 4pm @ Mulbarton Village Hall
Mardlers is an afternoon of tea and chat and an opportunity to meet others. It’s held at the Social Club, Mulbarton Village Hall on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 2 - 4.00pm
However, the October 2023 meeting will meet on 31st this month due to work filling the potholes on the village hall car park.
Transport can be provided if needed. Please come, or speak to Sue Mellows (07936 703124) or Tracey Salisbury (01508 578068) for more information.
Tue, 26 Sep, 2023, 2pm - 4pm @ Mulbarton Village Hall
Mardlers is an afternoon of tea and chat and an opportunity to meet others. It’s held at the Social Club, Mulbarton Village Hall on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 2 - 4.00pm
Transport can be provided if needed. Please come, or speak to Sue Mellows (07936 703124) or Tracey Salisbury (01508 578068) for more information.
Tue, 22 Aug, 2023, 2pm - 4pm @ Mulbarton Village Hall
Mardlers is an afternoon of tea and chat and an opportunity to meet others. It’s held at the Social Club, Mulbarton Village Hall on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 2 - 4.00pm
Transport can be provided if needed. Please come, or speak to Sue Mellows (07936 703124) or Tracey Salisbury (01508 578068) for more information.
Tue, 25 Jul, 2023, 2pm - 4pm @ Mulbarton Village Hall
Mardlers is an afternoon of tea and chat and an opportunity to meet others. It’s held at the Social Club, Mulbarton Village Hall on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 2 - 4.00pm
Transport can be provided if needed. Please come, or speak to Sue Mellows (07936 703124) or Tracey Salisbury (01508 578068) for more information.
Mon, 24 Jul, 2023, 7:30pm @ Mulbarton Village Hall
If you’ve always wanted to learn to dance or would like a refresher, please come and join us on Monday evenings at Mulbarton Village Hall!
Modern Jive class from 8.30 to 9.30pm
Unfortunately, the “Ballroom and Latin” beginner classes at 7:30pm Monday evenings will need to pause for the next couple of weeks, while some people are away, resuming on Monday 6th August at 7.30pm. The Modern Jive class at 8:30pm will continue unaffected. Both classes would be happy to see more participants.
Interested? Then please contact Sandra Boatman for more information and to register interest on 01508 528284 or email
The intention is then for Sandra to host a Tea Dance as a church fund raiser in the Autumn for both learners and more experienced dancers - more details to follow shortly.
Mon, 17 Jul, 2023, 7:30pm @ Mulbarton Village Hall
If you’ve always wanted to learn to dance or would like a refresher, please come and join us on Monday evenings at Mulbarton Village Hall!
Ballroom & Latin class from 7.30pm to 8.30pm Modern Jive class from 8.30 to 9.30pm
Interested? Then please contact Sandra Boatman for more information and to register interest on 01508 528284 or email
The intention is then for Sandra to host a Tea Dance as a church fund raiser in September for both learners and more experienced dancers - more details to follow shortly.
If you have any connection with the Flordon Community Centre project you will be most welcome at their 10th anniversary celebration at the Community Centre on 15th July 2023
Tue, 27 Jun, 2023, 2pm - 4pm @ Mulbarton Village Hall Social Club
Mardlers is an afternoon of tea and chat and an opportunity to meet others. It’s held at the Social Club, Mulbarton Village Hall on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 2 - 4.00pm
Transport can be provided if needed. Please come, or speak to Sue Mellows (07936 703124) or Tracey Salisbury (578068) for more information.
Sat, 20 Nov, 2021, 7:15pm @ Join in remotely Via Zoom
Nationwide quiz in aid of Tearfund, the aim to raise 50 million people out of poverty.
This year, Tearfund hopes to bring the total raised above £1million - please join in and support this effort, while having a fun night in! Teams of up to six, £5 per person suggested donation to be given via your local church, marked "Tearfund Quiz", or using Tearfund's own JustGiving page:
Zoom room opens at 7:15 for a 7:45 start. For covid safety reasons, and because bigger venues are fully booked, we have decided not to meet in person this year, but to go ahead remotely. Please do bring drinks and snacks to your device and join the fun!
Sun, 2 May, 2021, 10am - 11am @ St Mary Magdalen, Mulbarton
Leaders: Adrian
To attend in person, please contact Tom, the churchwarden, to reserve your place. Numbers may need to be limited.
Alternatively, you can attend in the normal covid-times way, via Zoom, watch live on Facebook, or catch up on YouTube or the church website at a later date:
Zoom: Direct Link Zoom ID: 993 672 961 Passcode: 123
No need to book. Access live via Zoom or Facebook - or catch up later via YouTube or the church website. Zoom: Zoom ID: 993 672 961 Passcode: 123 Facebook Livestream: YouTube Channel:
To attend in person, please contact Tom, the churchwarden, to reserve your place. Numbers may need to be limited.
Alternatively, you can attend in the normal covid-times way, via Zoom, watch live on Facebook, or catch up on YouTube or the church website at a later date:
Zoom: Direct Link Zoom ID: 993 672 961 Passcode: 123
To book your craft bags and/or a place in person at Mulbarton Church for this service please click here
Please note later than normal time - 11am start!
We welcome all ages to join us either in person (masks, social distancing, sanitation) - or via Zoom, for an hour of engaging interactive Easter worship.
Craft bags are available to those who would like to make “paper plate Easter gardens”.
Please click the link above to let us know how many bags you would like and whether you’ll be attending in person or remotely.
To book your place at Hethel Church for this service please click here
Christians believe that Jesus died at 3pm on that terrible but wonderful day 2000 years ago, the day we remember on Good Friday. So this event commemorates his last 60 minutes as a man on Planet Earth.
Cathy is leading what we are sure will be a deeply moving hour.
Mon, 29 Mar, 2021, 7:30pm - Sun, 4 Apr, 8:30pm @ Flordon Church / Online
To book your place at Flordon Church for this service please click here
The word "tenebrae" comes from the Latin meaning "darkness" or "shadows". The Tenebrae is an ancient Christian Holy Week service that makes use of gradually diminishing light through the extinguishing of candles to symbolize the events of that week from the triumphant Palm Sunday entry through Jesus' burial.
This increasing darkness symbolizes the approaching darkness of Jesus' death and of hopelessness in the world without God. The service concludes in darkness, with a final candle, representing Christ, carried out of the church, symbolizing the death of Jesus.
It is a simple service, with 7 candles, 8 readings, some music and some silence. A loud noise may also sound symbolizing the closing of Jesus' tomb. The worshipers then leave in silence to ponder the events of Holy Week, the impact of Christ's death and the expectation of the coming Resurrection.
If you would like to join in remotely this year as part of your personal Holy Week devotions, at a time to suit you, you can watch last year's Zoom-streamed service on the benefice YouTube channel or right here:
Join us by Zoom on Mothering Sunday for a special interactive and creative session for all ages, celebrating motherhood, using craft, music and interactive prayers.
We will be focusing on the story of baby Moses, placed in a basket among the bulrushes and adopted into Pharoah's family.
Please get in touch with Cathy ASAP to ask for a bag with craft bits to make your Moses basket, which will be delivered to you ahead of the service. You will need pens/pencils, sellotape and scissors, but everything else will be provided.
Children are also invited to make a Mothering Sunday card ahead of time, to be given to their mums during the session.
We do hope you can join in as a family, and look forward to seeing you there. Zoom details:
- Short Service: 2pm on Sunday 27 December for 30 minutes. A service with some readings and Andrew North playing some Christmas music at Bracon Ash. Social distance to be kept. If anyone is on there own or in a family unit and feel they want to come along you are all welcome.
10am Benefice service on Zoom "Being expectant people" led by Bev and Sam Theobald (Zoom Meeting ID: 993 672 961 Passcode: 123.
Contact Caroline (admin@mulbchurch) for more details
10.45am in Mulbarton Churchyard An open-air service (approx. 30 mins), led by Jill Wright. You are welcome to bring an umbrella and garden chair, if you wish.
Hethel Church will be open for any who wish to remember loved-ones who have died - candles to light, prayer cards, and a space to stop and reflect. Hosted by Cathy and Peter Nicholls.
10am Service on Zoom led by Derrick Hill. (Zoom Meeting ID: 993 672 961 Passcode: 123.
2.30pm to 4.30pm All Saints' Church, Hethel. The church will be open for any who wish to remember loved-ones who have died - candles to light, prayer cards, and a space to stop and reflect.
Sun, 31 May, 2020, 10am - 11:30am @ Mulbarton Rectory
Join us via Zoom for a special celebration service, at which we recall how the Holy Spirit is sent from the Father and the Son to live within us and help us. All welcome via the Zoom link below.
Click this link to join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 993 672 961
Or phone in to listen live, using this phone number: 203 481 5240
Download and use some worship, devotional and craft resources, to explore Pentecost with your children, at this remarkable time of year.
These links will each open in new windows when you click on them. Alternatively right click and select "Save Link As..." to download them for printing.
Sat, 23 May, 2020, 9:15am - Sun, 31 May, 10pm @ Online & At Home
A global wave of prayer from Ascension Day to Pentecost
For 11 days, Christians from all denominations around the world commit to spending special time in prayer for the people they know as well as the whole world as we shine a light on the darkness of this world. This finishes on the Day of Pentecost - the great celebration of the coming of the promised Holy Spirit. This has been happening for a few years now but this year is a bit different – for obvious reasons! To celebrate Christians joining in prayer this year we are combining forces, and encouraging everyone to join in with opportunities locally, in the deanery (collection of local churches, from Hingham to Cringleford) as well as the wider diocese, and national and global church.
We are invited to pray with Christians worldwide for God’s Spirit to empower OURSELVES to be witnesses for Jesus Christ and for OTHER PEOPLE to come to know Jesus. Each day there is a theme – pray about that theme for YOURSELF and for OTHERS (maybe 5 – friends, family, neighbours) that they may be drawn closer to Jesus. Readings are added to help you think about each theme.
Ascension Day – BELONGING (Ephesians 1 verses 3 to 8)
Friday 22nd – GRACE (Ephesians 2 verses 8 to 10)
Saturday 23rd – COURAGE (Joshua 1 verses 7 to 9)
Sunday 24th – WISDOM (Proverbs 2 verses 1 to 6)
Monday 25th – JOY (Psalm 98)
Tuesday 26th – COMPASSION (Luke 15 verses 11 to 24)
Wed 27th - FORGIVENESS (Matthew 18 verses 21 to 35)
Thur 28th – HEALING (Revelation 21 verses 3 & 4 and chapter 22 verses 1 to 5)
Fri 29th – HOPE (Titus 3 verses 3 to 8 & Romans 15 v. 13)
As a deanery we are asking people to sign up to slots to pray. We are concentrating this on the 12 hours between 9am and 9pm on the day before Pentecost, Sat 30 May, as we aim to wait with the disciples. You can pray however you would like to – that might be doing a prayer walk around your area, opening up the Pentecost Story and asking God to work like that once more, sitting in silence, colouring, drawing, listening to music…however you pray – pray.
To encourage us all, Graham in Cringleford has kindly put up a sign up sheet to try to make sure we can cover all 12 hours – more than one person can sign up for each slot! The link is:
We are then inviting people to join in with the Diocesan Compline at 9pm (see above) whenever their slot was or even if they didn’t have a slot!
Prayer and Reflection Resources
Susanna Gunner, the Diocese Director for Prayer and Spirituality is producing daily reflections for this period to guide us through and encourage us to pray. These can be found here:
Cringleford Church plan to post some short interactive prayers suitable for all ages on - these will be put up at various times during the week.
Something for the Younger Ones (Or young at heart!)
Finally there is an interactive map and VR game for mobile devices available! This is really fun (especially enjoyable is the sheep game) but also great at helping to get people thinking about prayer. You need to print the map off from (where there is also instructions!) and download the app by searching ‘TKC MAP AR’ in your app store.
We began with an introductory session on Tuesday 21st April, with the course starting properly this week, 28th April. Course books are required for the 28th, but not for the introductory session.
The first session tackles the topic of "The problem of emotional unhealthy spirituality".
This course is a safe and simple way to practice slowing down to be with Jesus, and to look underneath the surface of what is going on in our lives. There is no pressure to participate in any way that would be uncomfortable - it is very much the sort of thing that you will get out what you put in, and you can engage with it on whatever level fits where you are. The course draws from significant age-old streams of Christian thinking and insight, and offers practical insights into how we can apply that thinking to deepen our own devotional lives.
Or feel free to search other book-sellers, including the Christian Eden website.
I invited people in leadership positions throughout the benefice to work through this course with me in Autumn 2019. Seventeen people from our group of churches participated in the 8-week course. From the feedback given, here are some of the things they found helpful:
Good fellowship and good company - great way to connect with others
Helpful group "rules" that made for a truly safe space to explore the nitty-gritty of our lives (but no compulsion) and to deepen understanding of how to walk with Jesus
A range of learning materials to embed and reinforce the teaching
Genuinely helpful input on Sabbath and daily offices
Forty days of devotionals that gave achievable, balanced, rich times of waiting on God in 10-minute chunks
Guilt-free rhythms of praying
Help to be intentional and embrace the commitment needed to deepen a walk with God
Searching material, helping both to understand oneself better and to develop better devotional habits and emotional health
Greater peace and freedom that has lasted
Here's what one participant had to say: "I found the course very helpful in establishing a good, flexible 'routine' of quality time with God on my own, along with a mindfulness of God during my days - feeling generally closer and connected. The EHS book, Day by Day readings and workbook were all helpful, along with the discussion times and DVD. In the meetings I found it helpful to hear about other peoples' experiences and felt comfortable to share my own, but never felt pressured or pushed to share more than I wanted to. I even felt free not to share at all. I had been concerned that I might feel 'exposed' in a group setting, especially as I didn't know some of the group members very well. I can imagine that, using the suggested format, along with the 'rules', I would be able to join any group of people without feeling at all 'threatened'. I would say to anyone contemplating doing the course to think of it as an opportunity. It's a wonderful opportunity to discover things about ourselves - negative and positive. I feel less anxious, fearful and more peaceful than before and I'm really pleased I took the opportunity myself."
If this is something you would like to join in with or find out more about, please do get in touch with me. If you would like to commit to this course (and I hope many will), please order your books directly, using the links above - or if finances are an issue, please let me know. Bursaries are available.
The course author explains what it's about here, and what resources you'll need. Order details are above for ordering directly.
We begin with an introductory session on Tuesday 21st April, with the course starting properly the following week, 28th April. Course books are required for the 28th, but not for the introductory session.
This course is a safe and simple way to practice slowing down to be with Jesus, and to look underneath the surface of what is going on in our lives. There is no pressure to participate in any way that would be uncomfortable - it is very much the sort of thing that you will get out what you put in, and you can engage with it on whatever level fits where you are. The course draws from significant age-old streams of Christian thinking and insight, and offers practical insights into how we can apply that thinking to deepen our own devotional lives.
Or feel free to search other book-sellers, including the Christian Eden website.
I invited people in leadership positions throughout the benefice to work through this course with me in Autumn 2019. Seventeen people from our group of churches participated in the 8-week course. From the feedback given, here are some of the things they found helpful:
Good fellowship and good company - great way to connect with others
Helpful group "rules" that made for a truly safe space to explore the nitty-gritty of our lives (but no compulsion) and to deepen understanding of how to walk with Jesus
A range of learning materials to embed and reinforce the teaching
Genuinely helpful input on Sabbath and daily offices
Forty days of devotionals that gave achievable, balanced, rich times of waiting on God in 10-minute chunks
Guilt-free rhythms of praying
Help to be intentional and embrace the commitment needed to deepen a walk with God
Searching material, helping both to understand oneself better and to develop better devotional habits and emotional health
Greater peace and freedom that has lasted
Here's what one participant had to say: "I found the course very helpful in establishing a good, flexible 'routine' of quality time with God on my own, along with a mindfulness of God during my days - feeling generally closer and connected. The EHS book, Day by Day readings and workbook were all helpful, along with the discussion times and DVD. In the meetings I found it helpful to hear about other peoples' experiences and felt comfortable to share my own, but never felt pressured or pushed to share more than I wanted to. I even felt free not to share at all. I had been concerned that I might feel 'exposed' in a group setting, especially as I didn't know some of the group members very well. I can imagine that, using the suggested format, along with the 'rules', I would be able to join any group of people without feeling at all 'threatened'. I would say to anyone contemplating doing the course to think of it as an opportunity. It's a wonderful opportunity to discover things about ourselves - negative and positive. I feel less anxious, fearful and more peaceful than before and I'm really pleased I took the opportunity myself."
If this is something you would like to join in with or find out more about, please do get in touch with me. If you would like to commit to this course (and I hope many will), please order your books directly, using the links above - or if finances are an issue, please let me know. Bursaries are available.
The course author explains what it's about here, and what resources you'll need. Order details are above for ordering directly.
PLEASE NOTE: Later time than normal for contemporary service this Sunday - 10:30am
A contemporary communion service for Easter Sunday, with modern worship songs. A breakout children's room will be available for children accessing the Zoom meeting on their own devices.
Topic: Mulbarton Church 10am Zoom Stream Time: 10:30am, Sun 12 April 2020
Good Friday Meditative Service - Stations of the Cross
5 years ago
Fri, 10 Apr, 2020, 2pm - 3pm @ Online
An interactive online Zoom meeting, in which we encounter and respond to the 12 stations of the Cross, with artwork, Bible readings, reflections and prayers.
Our final evening, exploring what has been a remarkably relevant and apt course for such a time as this. We will explore what it means to make connections in the power of the Holy Spirit, following Jesus' example, by considering further the story of the lame man healed outside the Temple.
To access the meeting, please note you will need a password this time, since Zoom are requiring users to adopt tighter security now.
Topic: Paraclesis 6: Connecting - Discussion Group Time: Apr 7, 2020 19:30 London
The word "tenebrae" comes from the Latin meaning "darkness" or "shadows". The Tenebrae is an ancient Christian Holy Week service that makes use of gradually diminishing light through the extinguishing of candles to symbolize the events of that week from the triumphant Palm Sunday entry through Jesus' burial.
This increasing darkness symbolizes the approaching darkness of Jesus' death and of hopelessness in the world without God. The service concludes in darkness, with a final candle, representing Christ, carried out of the church, symbolizing the death of Jesus.
It is a simple service, with 7 candles, 8 readings, some music and some silence. A loud noise may also sound symbolizing the closing of Jesus' tomb. The worshipers then leave in silence to ponder the events of Holy Week, the impact of Christ's death and the expectation of the coming Resurrection.
Pour yourself a coffee, fire up Zoom, using the link above, and enjoy some fellowship with others, before watching this week's video together, and then splitting into different virtual rooms to discuss the theme.
All are welcome to join me for a service of worship at 10am tomorrow morning. We'll hear something from Ram, and encouragements in the midst of this strange time, as well as continuing our journey in the Paraclesis course, with a "Healing" theme, considering the woman in the temple, from Luke 13:10-17.
We'll begin with our video and audio turned on, so we can say hello to people as they arrive, then turn off for the service, and back on again at the end to say goodbye. There will be no waiting room this week, so you'll go straight in.
Please do join in, with the same link as last week:
Wed, 18 Mar, 2020, 7:30pm - 8:15pm @ Hethel Church
Within the activity of our days and the restlessness of our world, we can get our bearings by listening to God's gentle call: "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him". Psalm 37.7.
Come and do just that at Quiet Time with God at Hethel Church from 7.30 pm to 8.15 pm, every other Wednesday.
An opportunity for stillness, reflection on a Bible passage and silent prayer with others.
Dates for the rest of this term: 5 and 19 February; 4 and 18 March 2020.
Within the activity of our days and the restlessness of our world, we can get our bearings by listening to God's gentle call: "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him". Psalm 37.7.
Come and do just that at Quiet Time with God at Hethel Church from 7.30 pm to 8.15 pm, every other Wednesday.
An opportunity for stillness, reflection on a Bible passage and silent prayer with others.
Dates for the rest of this term: 5 and 19 February; 4 and 18 March 2020.
A Special service marking the beginning of Lent, in contemporary language, with traditional hymns. There will be opportunity to receive ash daubed on the forehead, and also to receive communion.
Wed, 19 Feb, 2020, 7:30pm - 8:15pm @ Hethel Church
Within the activity of our days and the restlessness of our world, we can get our bearings by listening to God's gentle call: "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him". Psalm 37.7.
Come and do just that at Quiet Time with God at Hethel Church from 7.30 pm to 8.15 pm, every other Wednesday.
An opportunity for stillness, reflection on a Bible passage and silent prayer with others.
Dates for the rest of this term: 5 and 19 February; 4 and 18 March 2020.
Within the activity of our days and the restlessness of our world, we can get our bearings by listening to God's gentle call: "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him". Psalm 37.7.
Come and do just that at Quiet Time with God at Hethel Church from 7.30 pm to 8.15 pm, every other Wednesday.
An opportunity for stillness, reflection on a Bible passage and silent prayer with others.
Dates for the rest of this term: 5 and 19 February; 4 and 18 March 2020.
Sun, 26 Jan, 2020, 2:30pm - 3:15pm @ Hethel Church
On Sunday 26 January (the 4thSunday of the month) we will be gathering again for our Family Service at Hethel Church at the new time of 2.30 pm.
This service is particularly suited to younger children.
We will be singing songs, playing instruments, finding all sorts of things in our treasure box and saying a prayer together as we find out more about light and Jesus, the Light of the world.
The service will be approximately 30 minutes in length with a snack offered afterwards for those who would like to stay. Please feel free to bring a snack of your children’s choice if you prefer.
Wed, 22 Jan, 2020, 7:30pm - 8:15pm @ Hethel Church
Within the activity of our days and the restlessness of our world, we can get our bearings by listening to God's gentle call: "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him". Psalm 37.7.
Come and do just that at Quiet Time with God at Hethel Church from 7.30 pm to 8.15 pm, every other Wednesday.
An opportunity for stillness, reflection on a Bible passage and silent prayer with others.
Dates for the rest of this term: 5 and 19 February; 4 and 18 March 2020.
Wed, 18 Dec, 2019, 7:30pm - 8:15pm @ Hethel Church
Some of us thrive on stillness and silence in solitude; for others the companionable quiet of a meditation group may be more helpful. This newly formed group is an opportunity to explore together, in quietness and simplicity, how we can experience and respond to God as a part of our spiritual journey.
We will be meeting fortnightly from Wednesday 6 November at 7.30 pm for 45 minutes at Hethel Church.
During this time we will have an opening prayer, followed by a short Bible reading. There will then be a period of approximately 20 minutes Quiet Time with God, which may take the form of silent prayer, meditation or simply sitting in quiet reflection in God’s presence.
At the end of this time, there will be an opportunity to share any thoughts, feelings or insights and a short prayer, as well as refreshment. (However if you wish to leave before that’s perfectly fine).
A great film to ease us into the Christmas spirit; helped along by loads of mince pies, sausage rolls and mulled wine!
Doors open 7pm. Film starts approx. 7:45pm
FISHERMAN'S FRIEND (2019) Drama 12A 112 minutes
Directed by Chris Foggin. With Daniel Mays, Tuppence Middleton
Ten fishermen from Cornwall achieve a Top 10 hit after they are signed by Universal Records for their canny talent of being able to sing a sea shanty or two. Whilst there is definite appeal to coastal venues with strong fishing links, Fisherman’s Friends taps into the sense of close-knit communities, middle-age male obsolescence and the commitment of keeping traditions alive.
One to keep audiences swinging and swaying along in the aisles.
Tickets are now on sale, Just £5. Book now and pay on the door
Membership subscriptions are due…still only £5 per person per year
New members are always welcome. Please come along and enjoy pre-Christmas special treats!
Some of us thrive on stillness and silence in solitude; for others the companionable quiet of a meditation group may be more helpful. This newly formed group is an opportunity to explore together, in quietness and simplicity, how we can experience and respond to God as a part of our spiritual journey.
We will be meeting fortnightly from Wednesday 6 November at 7.30 pm for 45 minutes at Hethel Church.
During this time we will have an opening prayer, followed by a short Bible reading. There will then be a period of approximately 20 minutes Quiet Time with God, which may take the form of silent prayer, meditation or simply sitting in quiet reflection in God’s presence.
At the end of this time, there will be an opportunity to share any thoughts, feelings or insights and a short prayer, as well as refreshment. (However if you wish to leave before that’s perfectly fine).
Come and join us for the annual tradition of the Christingle service! Everything needed will be provided, including oranges, candles, ribbon, sweets, lots of fun and laughter, and a wonderful beginning to the Christmas season. Loved by children and adults alike, this candlelit celebration is a fabulous way to help bring light and hope to children living in poverty in this country, through the work of the Children’s Society. Biscuits and drinks are served afterwards.
For more details on what Christingle is all about, check out the website:
Wed, 20 Nov, 2019, 7:30pm - 8:15pm @ Hethel Church
Some of us thrive on stillness and silence in solitude; for others the companionable quiet of a meditation group may be more helpful. This newly formed group is an opportunity to explore together, in quietness and simplicity, how we can experience and respond to God as a part of our spiritual journey.
We will be meeting fortnightly from Wednesday 6 November at 7.30 pm for 45 minutes at Hethel Church.
During this time we will have an opening prayer, followed by a short Bible reading. There will then be a period of approximately 20 minutes Quiet Time with God, which may take the form of silent prayer, meditation or simply sitting in quiet reflection in God’s presence.
At the end of this time, there will be an opportunity to share any thoughts, feelings or insights and a short prayer, as well as refreshment. (However if you wish to leave before that’s perfectly fine).
Sat, 16 Nov, 2019, 7:15pm @ Bracon Ash Village Hall
Nationwide quiz in aid of Tearfund, the aim to raise 50 million people out of poverty. Teams of up to six, £5 pp on the door, doors open 7:15, 7:45 Start. Table snacks included, Bar available.
Some of us thrive on stillness and silence in solitude; for others the companionable quiet of a meditation group may be more helpful. This newly formed group is an opportunity to explore together, in quietness and simplicity, how we can experience and respond to God as a part of our spiritual journey.
We will be meeting fortnightly from Wednesday 6 November at 7.30 pm for 45 minutes at Hethel Church.
During this time we will have an opening prayer, followed by a short Bible reading. There will then be a period of approximately 20 minutes Quiet Time with God, which may take the form of silent prayer, meditation or simply sitting in quiet reflection in God’s presence.
At the end of this time, there will be an opportunity to share any thoughts, feelings or insights and a short prayer, as well as refreshment. (However if you wish to leave before that’s perfectly fine).
The Church of England invests billions of pounds and, guess what, these are concerns that are shared by pension fund managers.
In the CofE's case, there has been some public concern about energy companies that continue to extract fossil fuels with no investment in renewables. To divest or not to divest, that is the question. The current position is not to divest, and use shareholder pressure to bring about change.
This coming Saturday, 19th October, Edward Carter, vicar of St Peter Mancroft, is coming to converse with us about God and Money. I say 'converse' rather than 'speak' because I know that Edward wants to make it more of a dialogue than a lecture.
Edward is a Trustee of the Church of England’s CBF Funds (which has around £2bn of church money under investment!). He also serves on the Ethical Investment Advisory Group of the Church of England. He will help us learn more about the church and its money, and help us with the whole concept of investing our own wealth for the benefit of others as well as ourselves.
Wine and nibbles in the interval before time for lots of Q's.
£5 contribution if you can manage it, shared between the Mancroft Advice Project and Hethel Church's sound reinforcement fund.
A glass of wine or juice is included in the price of the ticket.
This is a popular event and places are limited, so PLEASE BOOK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE with Pam (470439) or Janet (471070) Pam needs to know numbers in good time so that she can order the meat.
Brother Roger, founder of the community in 1940, said “God is love alone” and this is the heart of Taizé. Rachel Burchell will lead us in an evening to learn a bit more about the community, its work and what it means to visit. We'll learn one or two songs, have a drink and a nibble before we worship together, experiencing this love in peace, space, silence and music. This event is for all four of our churches, together with those on the fringes who have an interest in 'spirituality'. Do come.
What is Taize?
The Taizé Community in central France is an ecumenical Christian monastic fraternity of more than one hundred multi-national brothers from a variety of traditions. Taizé has become one of the world's most important sites of Christian pilgrimage, with a focus on youth. Over 100,000 young people from around the world make pilgrimages each year for prayer, Bible study, sharing, and communal work. Through the community's ecumenical outlook, they are encouraged to live in the spirit of kindness, simplicity and reconciliation.
Sun, 19 May, 2019, 2:30pm - 5:45pm @ Hethel Church
'Walk, Eat and Pray' at Hethel Church on Rogation Sunday. We have three activities which we'd love you to join us for:
'Walk' - Beating the Bounds(2:30pm): This is a two-hour wander around the boundaries of the Parish, stopping here and there to pray for the people and enterprises of Hethel. Everyone is welcome (Adults, children and dogs!)
'Eat' - Tea at Church (4:30pm): Following our walk, please feel free to join us for refreshments in Hethel Church
'Pray' - Evening Prayer (5:00pm): Our time together conlcudes with a short and simple service of Evening Prayer, including well known hymns, led by our Curate, The Revd Andrew North.
'Walk, Eat and Pray' at Hethel Church on Rogation Sunday. Feel free to join us for all or any component of this fun and traditional activity which dates back over 350 years. A warm welcome is guaranteed!
4th Sunday @ 4 is a short (about 40 minutes) family service which we do together. There is a simple structure to the service which comprises songs, a Bible reading, various activities, a short talk and prayers followed by refreshments. We aim for as much participation as possible (!) but anyone is welcome to come and simply enjoy. There is a soft toy area for very young children. A great place to meet other families.
This month Andrew will be leading us through the account of Jesus feeding the 5,000!
Come and create an Easter Garden at Hethel Church from 10 am to 11.30 am on Saturday 20 April.
An informal time telling the Easter story as we each create a small Easter garden of our very own. Mums, Dads, grandparents welcome to enjoy hot drinks and hot cross buns or to join in. All resources provided. If you can let us know you are coming that would be great! or 570557.
We meet at the bottom of Catmere Herne, on Cuckoofield Road, and will walk up with the cross, to Harvest House, pausing to sing and pray at various stops along the way. There will be the opportunity to pray together at Mulbarton Church at the end of the walk, where Andrew will be arriving with his cross. Hot cross buns will be served afterwards in Harvest House.
We recall the last supper that Jesus shared with his closest friends. After receiving bread and wine in memory of this, we'll continue with relaxed and informal contemporary worship, and listening to God. There will be an opportunity to pray for one another.
The word "tenebrae" comes from the Latin meaning "darkness" or "shadows". The Tenebrae is an ancient Christian Holy Week service that makes use of gradually diminishing light through the extinguishing of candles to symbolize the events of that week from the triumphant Palm Sunday entry through Jesus' burial.
This increasing darkness symbolizes the approaching darkness of Jesus' death and of hopelessness in the world without God. The service concludes in darkness, with a final candle, representing Christ, carried out of the church, symbolizing the death of Jesus.
It is a simple service, with 6 candles, 8 readings, some music and some silence. A loud noise may also sound symbolizing the closing of Jesus' tomb. The worshipers then leave in silence to ponder the events of Holy Week, the impact of Christ's death and the expectation of the coming Resurrection.
Wed, 31 Oct, 2018, 5:30pm - 8:30pm @ Mulbarton Church
Mulbarton Church will be open to visitors on the evening before All Saints Day (also known as All Hallows Day). There will be an opportunity to light a candle to remember a lost loved one, and say a quiet prayer. There will also be sweets and a blessing card to take away, freely available. Children and adults alike are invited to drop in for a couple of minutes any time between 5:30 and 8:30, where your local vicar, Adrian, will be present to welcome visitors.
There are now specific dates we can pray for and the process has become clear! The initial large membership of the Vacancy in See Committee will be reduced to six on October 16th who go forward to work with the national nomination committee, The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Prime Minister’s Office and the Queen’s staff. The six are elected from those already on the Committee. Please pray for clear leading and discernment and that the right people for Norfolk are chosen.
The full committee meets in Norfolk on 28th August, 2nd October and 16th October.
There is a PUBLIC MEETING Consultation to be held for all Norfolk people on 3rd October 7.30 pm at the Cathedral. Please do come to make your voice heard, and please do pray.
We are asked to think about the kind of person we want but also what we want candidates to know about Norfolk.
We are also asked to pray this prayer whenever we can, to cover the whole process in God’s blessing. It may take some time as there are a number of Bishoprics in vacancy at present. Please pray for the staff who will have to cover the work in Bishop Graham’s absence after February 2019.
Bishop Alan writes this about the vacancy and the process, and offers us a prayer to use...
What is a Bishop (Feel free to edit as appropriate)
1.Every bishop is the chief pastor of all that are within his diocese, laity as well as clergy, and their father in God; it appertains to his office to teach and to uphold sound and wholesome doctrine, and to banish and drive away all erroneous and strange opinions; and, himself an example of righteous and godly living, it is his duty to set forward and maintain quietness, love, and peace among all men.
2. Every bishop has within his diocese jurisdiction as Ordinary except in places and over persons exempt by law and custom.
3. Every bishop is, within his diocese, the principal minister, and to him belongs the right, save in places and over persons exempt by law or custom, of celebrating the rites of ordination and confirmation; of conducting, ordering, controlling, and authorising all services in churches, chapels, churchyards and consecrated burial grounds; ... of being president of his diocesan synod.
Ministry in the wider Church and Nation
The role of bishops is not confined to their own dioceses. As the statement at ordination services makes clear, the ‘special responsibility to maintain and further the unity of the Church, to uphold its discipline, and to guard its faith’ is one which bishops share with their fellow bishops, and they are to promote the mission of the Church ‘throughout the world’. They are members of the College of Bishops at the provincial and national levels and attend the Lambeth Conference of all the bishops in the Anglican Communion.
All diocesan bishops are members of the House of Bishops of the General Synod and therefore share in responsibility for the leadership of the Church of England nationally and for relationships between the Church of England and the Church in other countries. Beyond their formal synodical role, diocesan bishops tend to be the public face of the Church in the eyes of the media and therefore perform an important communications role. Most diocesan bishops carry particular national responsibilities, chairing committees or boards within the National Church Institutions, ecumenically, or in connection with religious charities.
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York and the Bishop of London are privy counsellors. They are also members of the House of Lords, as are the Bishops of Durham and Winchester and twenty-one of the other diocesan bishops in England, Bishops may also be invited to contribute their experience or expertise to the deliberations of national government or regional bodies on particular issues. Diocesan bishops will thus also be called upon sooner or later to play a leading part in national life and to represent not just their dioceses but also their regions at the national level.
It is important that all who are involved in the process for choosing diocesan bishops bear in mind not just the role of diocesan bishops in their own dioceses, but also the ministry which they are called upon to exercise nationally and, in many cases, internationally as well
Eternal God, our shepherd and guide,
in your mercy give your Church in this Diocese
a shepherd after your own heart
who will walk in your ways,
and with loving care watch over your people.
Give us a leader of vision and a teacher of truth.
So may your Church grow and be built up,
and by your grace accomplish more than we can imagine,
As a special addition to the beauty of the building, visitors during Open Churches Fortnight can also see the results of some brilliant research by local historians, namely a display of the fruits of our labours to identify all the men recorded on our memorial for WW1 (16 names) and the other 74 men recorded on the Roll of Honour of those who went to War.
This is in aid of Compassion's child survival programme that provides care for mums and infants.
Come along to have a cuppa and some delicious cake and to learn a little more about the work of Compassion. No need to stay the whole time - come when you can!
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